Example sentences of "[is] be [vb pp] the " in BNC.

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1 Delighted he 's being given the O.K. , unsure what we 're meant to be doing now , and HUNGRY !
2 But now his gaily-coloured runabout 's being given the runaround by the Guiness Book of Records .
3 But now his gaily-coloured runabout 's being given the runaround by the Guiness Book of Records .
4 This is a tradition in the Royal Navy when a ship 's being re-commissioned the youngest rate and the Captain 's wife cut a ceremonial cake cake using the Captain 's sword
5 Mrs Thatcher is being given the honour of an invitation to the President 's private retreat at Camp David , in the Maryland hills north of Washington .
6 A newspaper campaign to prevent breeding by some of the substandard individuals with whom society is saddled would be much more to the point than vapid maunderings about the welfare of a child who has been endowed with an almost perfect inheritance , and is being given the best possible care ! ’
7 Our forecaster Charlie Neil is being given the chance to bring you more detail on our region 's weather conditions , and sometimes a look ahead to local events .
8 She is being given the night to calm down . ’
9 this is being recorded the
10 While the prosecution case is being presented the decision as to what course to take in these circumstances remains with counsel .
11 One company starts the day with a military history lecture on the Second World War , another is being taught the skills of interviewing , both by the Academy 's own academic staff .
12 If this population is representative of the UK nationally , a substantial number of patients dying from end stage liver disease is being denied the option of liver transplantation because they are not referred for assessment .
13 Whilst this is being achieved the computer itself may be changed to a more advanced system as part of a totally new package for the whole of the Stoddard Sekers Group .
14 West Germany , as a nation , is being asked the most profound questions about the shape of things to come on its borders .
15 When this is being done the blocking rail must be fully closed before you begin to knit again .
16 Erm in East Anglia erm sorry that 's , that 's true for the north and the south west , in East Anglia er output also has been flat erm but that seems to be related to weakness in export demand in the region erm export was the weakest er in that region of any region throughout the U K although total optimism is strong so it seems to be the case erm though business is being done the export economy erm in East Anglia .
17 All 3 of the heads of the deltoids are involved in shoulder movements , but the direction of the arm movement determines which head is being used the most .
18 In many instances , when a light lead is being used the fish will begin to move the lead before the line starts to run .
19 Faced with these considerations the researcher may be lucky , for if a secondary source is being used the editor may well have provided an interpretation ( which should as far as possible be checked , for even the most eminent historians have been known to err ) .
20 The reason , of course , is so that when the strap is being used the dye wo n't bleed onto the player 's clothes — which is usually the case with straps dyed on both sides .
21 All this information must also be included on captions , and if plain paper is being used the address should be added .
22 If magnetic tape is being used the answer must be Y .
23 While the kick is being executed the hands should always maintain a good , high-guard position , as a defence against a counter-strike should the kick be blocked or misdirected .
24 Then the terms : polarization stress and polarization strain — are defined by the equations When the " first boundary-value " problem ( prescribed displacements on the surface ) is being considered the strain field e is derived from a displacement u which takes the prescribed surface values .
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