Example sentences of "[is] [indef pn] there [conj] " in BNC.

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1 but they 're not in control of their body , so you must watch them , talk to them and if , if you can walk along the road with them , talking to them now the , there is the other type where you get the aura , they know they 're going to have a fit , so if somebody at your work place comes along and says to you I 'm gon na have a fit in five minutes , I mean do n't laugh at them and think ha ha , take them to a room where they 're safe and this applies to all epileptic fits , they 've got to be safe , so you 're going to clear a room of any danger , they 're laying down on the floor theirself because they 've got time they know they 're going to have this fit , if they 've got something to put in their mouth alright they will put it in their mouths themselves and once again they 've got five minutes to do it in and then that person will go through their fit , you stay with them , you comply by their wishes , if they say to you right , well just leave me when I come round I , do n't touch me I 'll be alright , they know , so you , you comply by their wish wishes , erm but only go in when you feel it is necessary , if they say right , erm I , I should regain consciousness in ten minutes and they have n't , you 're there , you stay there in case make sure they 're safe , there 's nothing there that can hurt them , then they 'll probably get up at the end of the fit and erm go into a room for a rest and say thank you very much and er , erm that 's it .
2 Erm erm can I just say , just on the on the basis of Mr 's map erm I think that proves the point that er that I suggested at the outset of the discussion erm on this issue , that if you look at the distribution of settlements there outside the greenbelt , there 's nothing there that suggests that any of the particular sectors ought to be discounted .
3 We 're alright , there 's nothing there that erm , needs to go into the fridge I think
4 There 's some sort of board behind his head and a towel or something round his forehead holding his head upright but the eyes Christ the eyes there 's nothing there and McDunn says Persistent Vegetative State they call it apparently ; Persistent Vegetative State and it looks it man it looks it .
5 and there 's nobody there that can give
6 The only real reason you get to know that there 's somebody there because you can see the legs and the sort of , sort of head , but yo it does tend to get a bit lost against the background .
7 The only thing I like about him is the feeling that there is something there that could be used for good if it could be got at .
8 She says ; It is something there that I can see of her , something I would not have had if she had not existed .
9 I mean , I think , there is something there that needs pursuing , I 'm not accusing all judges of being , inherently , you know , nutty , or , whatever , but , the number of cases that have come to light in the last few years , whether it 's because the press have just decided to home in on them ,
10 Well there 's one there , there 's one there and there 's one round the back , so I looked in that one
11 If you give that s there 's one there if you give me mine back , I 'll give it to Ray .
12 There 's something there that he 's got to deal with .
13 I think there 's something there cos some things are er do n't have any logic
14 Sir , — I suppose , being somewhat cynical , in keeping with , I suspect , many other subscribers to your magazine , one always reviews the report of the Disciplinary Committee ( now , it would appear , known as Professional Conduct Committees ) , if only to see if there is anyone there that one knows !
15 Er , I can see on the top there but there 's lots there and there .
16 Maybe that is the point : without being tuned in how can we know whether there is anything there or not ?
17 I 'd better let you know what we have got in stock just in case there 's anything there that you 're
18 To comment on , if the if there 's anything there that does n't read to you as being totally idiomatic .
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