Example sentences of "[is] [that] [pers pn] [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 Er , a knowledge but erm , I would have to move that we can not accept this recommendation because , it 's not that we do n't er support the scheme within this paper , but it 's that we can not accept .
2 Yes , it 's that we can never over-emphasise the importance of being cost competitive .
3 The dummies in the windows wore clothes so unlike Helen 's that they might have stepped from some other culture : rainbow colours , fabrics of wondrous texture and design , skirts like puffballs or split like a dancer 's .
4 In fact , if they do have a complaint , it 's that they would probably like me to go back full time — which is very nice to know ! ’
5 It 's got nothing to do with national security ; it 's that they may embarrass some dear old buffer who did a lot of damage .
6 The carving of the features on the youth 's head , fig. 70 , is so like that of the girl 's that they may well be the work of one artist ; but this has none of the other 's contradictions .
7 Then within the team 's , in the Policy Team there were three Policy Development Officer 's , in the Neighbourhood Development Team there were two Development Officer 's and in the Community Development Team there are one , two , there are well there are normally six officer 's that you could I that you could identify , but there are other people that relate to them , but then it gets a bit complicated so were keep it at that .
8 We know from the housing benefit system that there is a backlog of cases , I think hundred and a , quite a considerable number of people of where people are having problems producing wage receipts and evidence of income now and one dreads to think of the burden that will be putting on the letting section by erm inventing yet another system o of this kind erm I think people we know that people are wary already of applying for benefits because of means testing and I think that there 's that it would simply discourage people who really are in need from coming forward .
9 But er , this is just by way of an anticipation , the the general conclusion comes for instance , in this rather generalized book , and relatively short book , is that we ought to base variety and social order on science , and its insights , and certainly not on , on religion , and , and there he , there he leaves the question .
10 ‘ All I know is that we ought to be up in that tower , plannin' how we get back to our own lines , and not wastin' any more time quarrellin' down ‘ ere . ’
11 What the management has to learn is that we ca n't be mucked about . ’
12 ‘ The nice thing about fighting a seat like this is that we ca n't lose since we 're coming from rock bottom .
13 We spend a decade conditioning ourselves to act in a certain way , with a certain decisiveness , caution , thoroughness , and the result is that we ca n't shake it off at half past six and revert to some more natural state .
14 " The one thing we regret about the move is that we ca n't still get HTV .
15 And the answer is that we ca n't . "
16 What 's so awful about this situation is that we ca n't have a funeral .
17 The first one is John Stuart Mill 's objection which is that we ca n't leave everything to the people .
18 is that we ca n't move until we know what sort of structure is being offered , the general offer of structure is to take advice because we , we could then but unless we know what is forthcoming we do n't
19 The biggest problem of all is that we ca n't look forward and that a lot of the problems , being problems are happening now , and happened since the er the first of January that should of happened they should of happened in th , in th , in the er at least the three months before the end of last year , if not more !
20 And I think all we can say is that we ca n't be sure that that is n't the case .
21 My guess is that we 'll hear little from them , at least this side of the summer hols .
22 ‘ And Mama has written to say how grateful she is that we 'll be able to see how the old house has stood up to the war and cope with any disasters for her . ’
23 All I 'm saying is that we 'll overdo it if we have the … ’
24 ‘ My guess is that we 'll get him if we play by its rules for a while . ’
25 How much of a danger do you think there is that we 'll get yet another sea change at the home office and policies on cautioning and criminal justice generally , will be reversed again ?
26 And what this means is that from now on the cla lectures will trail the classes , which , which does n't matter and is actually quite er a good thing in the sense that what will happen from now on is that we 'll first do a topic in the class and then I will give the lecture on it the week after , or possibly even two weeks after , which is okay because it means that then in the lecture I can concentrate on filling in the gaps , straightening out the misunderstandings and generally adding to what we did in the class , rather than leading as it were as I have up until now .
27 It seems to me from looking at the figures within the projections that what North Yorkshire are are planning is that we 'll have a return to that widening black area that 's part of that particular diagram .
28 Because , hopefully , the product of this discussion is that we 'll look at each grant , judge it on its merits , and then come up with what we think 's the right figure .
29 So we may want to introduce a more sophisticated mechanism for determining what the desired level of supply is and what we 'll do is that we 'll say this is actually a special case of a much more general , er more s sophisticated .
30 Let's call that equation one seven er in actual fact what we 'll do is that we 'll put a random random error term on the end as well just to say that this is , rule is not perfect and there will be some fluctuations around it .
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