Example sentences of "[is] [det] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ There is little of that left now , she says .
2 In essence , there is little for local authorities to do , and what does need to be done can wait at least a couple more years !
3 Down there they will escape the buffetings of the storms to come and there too , where temperatures are much lower , their bodily process will slow down and so use less energy at a time in the year when there is little for these animals to eat .
4 There is little in modern authority that he can rely on .
5 There is little in this paper with which Reich need have disagreed .
6 So , there is little in this study to sustain the hopes of nineteenth-century liberal-democrats or to confirm the adequacy of the responsible party model as a realistic characterisation of the behaviour of voters in our politics .
7 There is little in this which is peculiar to a solicitors ' partnership dispute but with regard to the last noted remedy the court recognises the great and possibly irreparable harm that could be done by appointing a receiver over a professional firm and may be reluctant to make such an order at the behest of one disaffected partner ( see Floydd v Cheney [ 1970 ] Ch 602 and Sobell v Boston [ 1975 ] 1 WLR 1587 ) .
8 So long as you accept the local climbing ethics nad enjoy adventurous climbing there 's little about Czech sandstone or the Czechs that 's likely to wind you up .
9 In which of the five types of landscape is each of these local changes ?
10 I mean the convention is each of these ex I mean what you could have , you could put brackets round everything .
11 The bad news , on which I expect you 'll agree with me , is that across all parties , the professional politicians have been letting us down for decades .
12 Now what we 're hearing today in in the document that 's been put in by the County is that their assertion is that since nineteen eighty the changing erm common agriculture policy has meant that more farm land in the county is coming into play for development than was the case in nineteen eighty erm not least of all through set aside and general policies of diversification .
13 Now another general point which I dare n't put on the slide is that during this , the next sort of hour or so , or two hours , erm , some of you will almost certainly become insulted with the way that I talk to you .
14 A third type of dispute that is likely to be of particular interest to students of politics is that between separate branches of government .
15 The idea that the text in some way performs a deconstruction upon itself effectively validates the rhetorical reading in terms of the text 's actual movement : if the text " actually " contains these contradictions , the choice between " rhetorically aware " and " aesthetically responsive " paradigms is that between complete and partial readings .
16 Now the other thing we should remember is that between nineteen seventy eight and nineteen eighty two , certainly in the early nineteen eighties , eighty , eighty one , we were in the midst of a recession and so that should tell us that really people should have less money to spend on holidays .
17 A convenient distinction , which helps to organize the research on learning , is that between non-associative and associative learning .
18 A more sensitive area is that of actual currencies .
19 Woman 's domain is that of private relations and psychological matters , while men deal with the public concerns of politics and economic affairs .
20 The best name we 've seen so far is that of former Hewlett-Packard Co chief John Young but it is not likely that he would want the job .
21 The other marriage to report is that of former National General Secretary Paul Babington who married Jacqualine on July 20th .
22 Another aspect of mutuality is that of spiritual gifts given for mutual upbuilding .
23 A major problem area is that of young people aged 16–17 with no benefit , and 18–25 on reduced benefits — this increases hardship for young people .
24 The fact of the matter is , carp are an endangered species , and everyone knows that the only diet they will accept if the winter has been especially harsh and the spring turns wet before St Oursin 's Day is that of young minced Wolf Cub .
25 One of the liveliest issues of contemporary education is that of four year olds in school .
26 One of the most easily recognizable arrangements is that of four pairs of interlaced squares ( type B in section 3 ) .
27 But the general trend in most countries is that of legal modernization , and hence the ‘ professorial ’ transformation of the friend versus foe logic of the power field into the true/false logic of the autonomous scientific field .
28 The third provision I want to discuss is that of age-related testing .
29 A parallel trend which has been widely perceived but less well documented is that of increasing numbers of authors per article .
30 The figure of profit Mr Damant regards as most useful is that of maintainable earnings .
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