Example sentences of "[is] [num] [prep] those " in BNC.

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1 There 's six of those to do , now then .
2 ‘ That 's fifteen of those big ones down .
3 What on earth is one of those ? ’
4 He is one of those characters whose personality is somehow several sizes too large .
5 Dostoevsky will have remembered that ; it is one of those overlapping cumulations , sameness with difference , which reveal simultaneously the closeness of his workmanship and his imagination 's bias .
6 This is one of those English expressions so weathered that their emotional batteries are irretrievably flat but , from the lips of someone who spoke English with the cool precision of a fluent foreigner , the phrase was terribly affecting .
7 Mecir is one of those whose shots you ca n't read . ’
8 And Danny , Champion Of The World ( U Collins Home Video ) is one of those occasional British children 's films in the tradition of The Railway Children , where a horrid grown-up ( here Robbie Coltrane with a moustache and slicked-back hair ) is defeated by a kid ( Samuel Irons ) and his adult allies ( notably real-life father Jeremy Irons ) .
9 It is one of those forms of crime which appear to be ‘ catching ’ , as a disease is communicated from one country to another and one continent to another , like the importation of smallpox from India into London .
10 A real mountain bastu is one of those experiences not to be missed , and all you could want after a hard day 's toil , a wonderful relaxant .
11 Lewis is one of those very rare writers whose Muse appears to be an anima naturaliter Christiana .
12 Sole is one of those rare front-row forwards whose remarkable range of skills not only makes him a complete footballer but also brings fresh possibilities to the way the game can be played at the highest level .
13 Mr Berge is one of those Frenchmen , his manner distrait , who gives you the impression that you have outstayed your welcome before you have even sat down .
14 The Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie near the Porte de la Villette in Paris is one of those technological markers the French like to put down to show that architecture in their capital is not all ormulu and Belle Epoque .
15 APPEASEMENT is one of those supercharged words , like terrorism and fascism , whose use in any argument is the verbal equivalent of going nuclear .
16 Takahashi is one of those people I loved on sight , or with whom I just wanted to go to bed , but denied myself the opportunity , thus leaving them forever desirable in my memory .
17 Dill is one of those herbs which can be sown outdoors at almost any time during the growing season , from spring until August .
18 Collins , which is publishing Mrs Thatcher 's memoirs , is one of those that expect a glut in the market .
19 The 21-bed Clevedon hospital near Weston-super-Mare is one of those which has been accredited .
20 Mr Kinnock is one of those few politicians , Mrs Thatcher and Mr Heseltine among them , who seem to enjoy meeting ordinary people .
21 Zaire is one of those faraway countries about which we know very little — but last year its turbulent politics caused panic in the market for one of the world 's key raw materials .
22 Faliraki is one of those typical Greek beach resorts that seems to have suddenly woken up and exploded into life .
23 I guess this is one of those times . ’
24 Arlington Mill is one of those mills that was pulled back from the brink of destruction in the nick of time .
25 It is one of those cases in which there is no neutrality to be had , because neutrality needs as much justification as any other position .
26 It was not too surprising , therefore , that one of the King , s former ministers , the Count of Lezay-Marnésia , should allow his daughter to become one of the Empress 's ladies , though he could not have known that his gesture would be immortalized , for she is one of those who figure in the famous painting by Winterhalter ( now in the Musée National du Chateau de Compiègne ) .
27 It is one of those places in which perspectives are restored , and anxieties erased .
28 This is one of those creamy frostings that seems to disappear on its way to the cake , simply because it 's so darn hard to keep from tasting it to death .
29 Mine is one of those libraries which picks up the tab …
30 Finally , Bobo notes that the recent popularity of Black women 's writing is one of those extra-discursive factors which must be taken into account when looking at cultural practices such as The Color Purple .
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