Example sentences of "[is] [vb pp] that the " in BNC.

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1 Fostering Society awareness at a local level can be a great help — stamping membership cards in areas was suggested — From the objectives stated in our Development Plan in the first year , it is calculated that the minimum Membership needed for 1987 will be 3,300 — and the responsibility for recruiting the majority of this must rest with our Q.T. 's — the burden can be eased by working together on local projects and targets have been set for each area to reach by the end of this academic year .
2 Here at Nottingham it is recognized that the source of our special contribution to academic achievement is the quality of the people who work within it .
3 Once it is recognized that the job of the visual system is to recode the retinal image in terms of a representation of the outside world , and that much of this encoding can be done by comparing the properties of the retinal image in different parts of the visual field using fairly straightforward rules , constancies present no problem .
4 It is recognized that the current account deficit and associated capital inflows to the USA must eventually be corrected .
5 It is recognized that the everyday work of monitoring and negotiating is itself an expression of the agency 's legal mandate , and the legal rules about pollution may occasionally be invoked as part of the process of securing compliance .
6 It is recognized that the state apparatus becomes more elaborate ; for example , as Apter suggests , ‘ proceeding through four main stages : the pioneering , bureaucratic , representative and responsible governmental stages ’ ( Apter 1965 , p. 55 ) .
7 It is recognized that the construction of an outer northern route was favoured by the respondents to an nineteen ninety one consultation exercise .
8 It is recognized that the construction of a western relief road was favoured by the respondents to a nineteen ninety one consultation exercise .
9 It is intended that the company will eventually offer the administration service to other unit trust managers .
10 It is intended that the unit should consist of two troops each of thirty all ranks , with first reinforcements equivalent to one troop .
11 It is intended that the system of Special Discounts should continue in subsequent years , although the percentage discount and the rules by which policies will qualify may vary from year to year and the possibility can not be ruled out that circumstances may arise which would make it inappropriate to grant any Special Discount at all .
12 It is intended that the record will provide a profile of the experience and achievement of a young person at school .
13 However , the label ’ semantic ’ will continue to be used , although it is intended that the reader should not restrict its denotation to the strict linguistic sense .
14 It is intended that the country parks should reduce pressure on the more remote areas and reduce damage to the countryside caused by recreation .
15 It is intended that the results of this survey should be communicated to the DES and local authorities , as part of a detailed report , in 1986 .
16 It is intended that the hearing should be informal , and this is indicated by the following standard terms of reference .
17 It is intended that the proceeds of any such issue would be used primarily to refinance existing debt .
18 At present it is intended that the next series of workshops to be organised by SCOTVEC will concentrate on writing HN Units in competence terms , assessment in a criterion referenced system and the appraisal of merit in HN Units .
19 It is intended that the review will be published to serve as a ‘ case history ’ for persons interested in the development of novel drugs so that economic decisions can have a stronger empirical base .
20 It is intended that the study should be extended to some 200 large UK companies , incorporating a variety of methodological refinements not previously employed in the literature .
21 Through a series of focus group interviews , it is intended that the level of awareness of alternative treatment systems be measured , the obstacles to acceptance of treated straw identified , and the target market for straw treatment systems specified .
22 It is intended that the results of the programme will inform the public about policy options .
23 It is intended that the vendors shall provide a draft purchase and sale document and draft disclosure letter prior to the submission of the binding offer .
24 Under the terms of the new law ( much of which remained classified ) covert action was defined as any " activity or activities of the United States government to influence political , economic or military conditions abroad , where it is intended that the role of the United States government will not be acknowledged or apparent " .
25 It is intended that the Institute will quickly become a fully independent unit , although the early impetus will be provided by BNFL .
26 It is intended that the topics listed will be included in the syllabuses of both degree ( or equivalent ) and non–degree courses .
27 Timing is critical , especially if it is intended that the press release is to be issued before an exhibition is opened , yet the photo is to show the exhibition being opened by the Chairman .
28 It is intended that the main part of the investment programme will be completed by next year , with the remainder phased over a further two years .
29 If it is felt that this smacks too much of the ‘ green shield stamp ’ approach , it should be realized that it is intended that the scheme will operate with a substantial element of vocational and tutorial guidance using specialized staff .
30 After preservation treatment , it is intended that the weapon should be displayed at the local Portland Museum , in conjunction with a 50th anniversary exhibition to be mounted there in 1953 .
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