Example sentences of "[is] [vb pp] for a " in BNC.

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1 Occasionally the same design could serve both purposes , as can be seen in Figure 6 where the single version is intended for a retired couple , the double for two families of labourers .
2 This is intended for a multi-layer perceptron in which each node is sigmoid .
3 Usually the programme is intended for a certain age group .
4 In the estufas the wine is heated for a minimum of three months , but most shippers prefer up to six months at slightly lower temperatures , After the estufagem , the wine is cooled carefully .
5 To verify this the remedy is stopped for a week or two .
6 A multijunction cell , Solarex believes , should be more efficient as it uses layers of different crystals , each of which is optimised for a specific band of the visible light spectrum .
7 That 's the problem … you see , Dieter 's enrolled for a third week and …
8 ‘ The land is poisoned for a day 's march in every direction . ’
9 An urgent message is received for a guest , Mrs Jones .
10 If a claim is received for a loss of travellers cheques then the Claimant should be advised to claim from the issuing Bank .
11 Where no form is prescribed for a transaction , or a prescribed form can not be conveniently adapted , r75 provides that the instrument shall be in such form as the registrar shall direct or allow but shall follow the approved forms as nearly as possible .
12 A full point score is given for a powerful , skilful technique that lands with control on a scoring area of the opponent 's head or body .
13 A full point score is given for a powerful , skilful and controlled technique to the opponent 's scoring areas
14 Thus when the dried food is gone , a favourite delicacy is given for a job well done .
15 Generally , if security is given for a debt and default is made in repayment of that debt , the secured creditor is entitled to appoint a receiver to safeguard his interest .
16 In short , where planning consent is given for a development or change of use , the question of nuisance will thereafter fall to be decided by reference to a neighbourhood with that development or use and not as it was previously .
17 Applicants ' ability to benefit is assessed flexibly and credit is given for a variety of qualifications beyond conventional O/GCSE and A level successes .
18 Where judgment is given for a sum which exceeds £200 and represents or includes damages in respect of personal injuries , or in respect of a person 's death , the court must include in that sum interest on those damages or on such part of them as the court considers appropriate , unless the court is satisfied that there are special reasons why no interest should be given ( ibid , s 69 ) .
19 The advantages of the local hall are that there will be extra room to run around in and the party is contained for a set number of hours without too much disruption at home .
20 The Odjob is rolled for a maximum of 90 seconds to mix mortar .
21 Though he only finished 12th last year in 2–8–02 he has since recorded two sub 1–51 marathons and is tipped for a top six place .
22 In Labour 's ranks Marjorie Mowlam , the shadow citizen 's charter minister , is tipped for a higher profile job .
23 Your band is booked for a pub gig .
24 West County Pacific 34026 ‘ Taw Valley ’ is booked for a similar appearance in August 1993 for Day Driving Training courses , providing much valued finance towards the continued success of the BRM .
25 See also Derby and Co Ltd v Weldon ( No 8 ) [ 1990 ] 3 All ER 762. 2.3 Limited purpose of disclosure There is a large body of authority in support of the proposition that information which is disclosed for a limited purpose is received under an obligation of confidence and can not be used or disclosed otherwise than for that purpose .
26 The regime is blamed for a rise in corruption , Mafia crime , public debt and a lack of public responsibility .
27 Chain migration on this pattern is reported for a wide variety of people now living in Britain , including those who originated in Italy , Hong Kong , the Punjab and Pakistan ( Palmer , 1977 ; Watson , 1977 ; Ballard , 1979 ; Anwar , 1985 ) .
28 Patterson comments that the sound of e is substituted for a ‘ in some places ’ in almost every relevant word .
29 Substitution : In the reaction between methane and chlorine , an atom of chlorine is substituted for a hydrogen atom in the methane molecule to form chloromethane .
30 The alternative method is to provide that upon any adjustment of the base figure , the rent payable immediately before the adjustment becomes a fixed amount payable under the terms of the lease ( or is substituted for a fixed amount previously reserved ) .
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