Example sentences of "[is] [vb pp] by those " in BNC.

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1 Oh yes it is the , the column of the Eiffel Tower is hidden by those buildings is n't it ?
2 The general importance of child care in supporting the fertility of married women is recognized by those countries which have policies to encourage fertility .
3 It implies that capacity for personal affective response that is dismissed by those who wish to transform literature into a purely cognitive discourse .
4 Baxter expressed his views as follows : ‘ Justification is received by those who obey the law of the new covenant .
5 However , it is difficult to see how such criteria can be formulated to ensure that treatment is received by those individuals that the home authority would have chosen .
6 As she put it , " a larger amount of this work can be got over than ordinary work in the same time , and a larger wage is earned by those on piece-work .
7 of all auto crime is committed by those under 21 .
8 Control rests neither with the whole nor with isolated parts Each level is constrained by those above it and autonomous with respect to those below .
9 Staff quality is perhaps the most important factor of all in providing the standard of service that is expected by those who pay for it .
10 Equally important is public confidence or acceptance of coinage ; as coinage is a convention , in the sense that its value is conventionally fixed by the authority of the state with the agreement of the public , it can only function if the value of the coinage , as fixed by the state , is accepted by those who use it ; otherwise , market forces will tend to discount overvalued coins towards their individual bullion values .
11 No doubt this will provide much heated debate for the pub ; but the real test will be if the system is accepted by those climbing new routes in the future .
12 That the acts were not a new departure is argued by those who draw attention to the pre-existing illegality of trade unions under the law of conspiracy and under around forty statutes , a number of which were specific to particular trades .
13 What is missed by those who follow Nettl 's view , is that a number of Marxists would probably agree , in the sense that the idea of the state as merely an agent distorts the observed contradictions within the bourgeoisie , and assumes a purely passive role for the state in capitalism .
14 The interests of birds are patently not best served by proximity to military manoeuvres and firing , however much exclusive use of the quiet times is relished by those who study them .
15 The social exclusivity of private education enables a distinct ‘ superior ’ culture to remain intact , and ensures that this world-view is displayed with the self-assurance and ‘ soundness ’ that is valued by those recruiting entrants to elite occupations ( the elite-educated spies Burgess and Maclean are notorious for having exploited this trust ) .
16 Decisions and choices made by scientists or groups of scientists will be governed by what is valued by those individuals or groups .
17 Napoleon marched through it on his way to Moscow , but today the road is used by those who wish to avoid the pressures of autobahn driving and see something of the pleasant , rolling countryside of Westphalia .
18 There is another approach to the problem of maintaining speed throughout the roll which is used by those of above average ability .
19 But there is nothing to argue about here , as the act of quantifying is not intended to be predictive , explanatory or theoretical : it is a methodological tool that is used by those who wish to make accountable statements about the distribution of linguistic forms in real speech communities in cases where this is not evident without quantification .
20 This is an important aspect of citizenship and one which is recognised by those advocating ‘ active citizenship ’ in various forms .
21 Content to remain spectators , they can not reasonably complain about the way the political game is played by those willing to suffer its tedium and its tensions .
22 In previous Lectures we have examined the incidence of taxation by factors or classes we have asked whether a tax is borne by those receiving capital income or those with wages .
23 It is important to note here than even if a parent is gripped by those negative fantasies that the textbooks claim to be real and universal , she is also immediately capable of embracing a critique of the values she is confronted with .
24 The existence of small wooden vessels is demonstrated by those which were strengthened by metal parts , like buckets and the small silver rimmed cups from Chessell Down ( Arnold 1982a , p. 59 ) .
25 The general rule is well established that if a person signs a document which contains contract terms , he/she is bound by those terms , provided that the document was presented for signature before the contract was concluded .
26 The progress of any writer is marked by those moments when he manages to outwit his own inner police system .
27 A defeatist , appeasement-like attitude often was at the heart of federalist thinking found in some parts of the City of London but is repudiated by those such as Professor Tim Congdon in the Sunday Telegraph on 20 October 1991 — ‘ City 's Silly Euro-scare ’ .
28 The opposite problem is experienced by those who are lacking in confidence , who feel that they should not worry other people with their problems and who , if they finally make an appointment , tend to rush through it and come away without covering all the points with which they had really hoped to deal .
29 Are Chinese people 's experiences of racism different from but similar to what is experienced by those from other backgrounds ?
30 A similar effect is experienced by those who have fluctuating or arteriosclerotic dementia , resulting from very small clots in the blood supply to the brain .
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