Example sentences of "[is] [vb pp] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I do n't think I 've heard him speak before , he s got a great Yorkshire accent for a Welsh lad .
2 The four principal strings are tensioned by full-sized Schaller machines and , though each pair of accompanying drones are identical in gauge , each is assigned a different-sized machine key to let you know exactly which one is being adjusted .
3 Corpora may be raw ( text only ) , tagged ( each word is assigned a syntactic category ) or analysed ( parsed ) ( see $4.5.2 ) .
4 While I question the possibility of ranking Buid society as more or less ‘ peaceful ’ according to some culture-free , quantitative standard , I think it can be placed in a category of relatively ‘ peaceful ’ societies because of the complete absence of any social situation in which aggressive conduct is assigned a positive value .
5 The House , at Lytham St Annes , provides convalescence for 23 guests , and is situated a short walk from the sea and promenade .
6 He 's formed a useful partnership with Gordon Hunter and may retain his place in spite of the fact that Tommy McIntyre and Neil Orr are again available .
7 The coastguard is designated a non-military organisation under the constitution , and its use as an escort would therefore not be as controversial .
8 The coastguard or Maritime Safety Agency , is designated a non-military force , and its use would circumvent the constitutional stipulation against foreign military operations .
9 The range is designated a Military Danger Area .
10 He 's joined a growing band of young homeless in Oxfordshire .
11 Our door is painted a bright green colour with numerous messages using inappropriate language and phrases covering its exterior .
12 It is painted a livid blood-red .
13 The woodwork is painted a pale stone colour throughout to complement the finely patterned wallcovering .
14 Perhaps the clearest indication of the increasingly multidisciplinary nature of Quaternary investigations is that a book written by a geographer , D.Q. Bowen , and published in 1978 is entitled Quaternary Geology and is subtitled A Stratigraphic Framework for Multidisciplinary Work .
15 Now , for the final time we 're heading way out west with the man who 's given a whole new meaning to the term ‘ cowboy ’ — John Millar of the Daily Record .
16 People think , well now , here 's a man who 's been accused of fraud and so forth and shortly after that it comes out that he 's given a big thing to the government .
17 The Bizet is given a sparkling performance too , while generously the Ravel comes in the complete ballet version , even more hauntingly atmopheric than the usual suite .
18 A very simple and beautiful example of the use of substitution notes may be found at the beginning of Wagner 's Tristan und Isolde : Here the commonplace cadence A minor-F7-E7 is given a subtle mystery through the use of a few substitution notes as follows : in bar 2 , G is a chromatic substitution for A ( on which it resolves ) , while B is a diatonic substitution for A or C , on which it does not resolve ; in bar 3 , A substitutes chromatically for B , on which it resolves .
19 Professional reference material in schools is given a low priority .
20 Such an interpretation of the relationship between elected politicians and appointed officials is given a certain amount of credibility by the existence of distinct bureaucratic organizations staffed by people recruited and deployed on the principles of political neutrality , merit , anonymity and expertise .
21 Sometimes , woman-centred theory is given a utilitarian justification .
22 The term ‘ inn ’ is given a technical meaning : it describes those hotels which fall within the scope of the Hotel Proprietors Act 1956 .
23 Each of the solutions found for the Schrödinger equation ( quantum mechanical wave equation ) for a one-electron atom can be regarded as relating to one of a set of orbitals , which is characterized by a unique combination of quantum numbers and is given a corresponding symbol , such as 1s , 2p , etc .
24 Where possible the tread is given a slight overhang over the riser , or the riser is given a slight angle back at the base .
25 Where possible the tread is given a slight overhang over the riser , or the riser is given a slight angle back at the base .
26 The Rhapsody , too , is given a strong , swaggering but solid reading from that famous opening clarinet Glissando onwards ( it began its life , by the way , as a bit of tongue-in-cheek rehearsal mischief from Ross Gorman , the clarinettist of the Whiteman band ; the delighted Gershwin insisted on retaining it ) .
27 In juxtapositions such as large bony vine , clumsy black headstocks , dishevelled pink chrysanthemums , the associations of adjectives seem to interact , so that , for example , pink is given a tawdry overtone by its neighbour dishevelled .
28 After the first three days she takes a purificatory bath , and then is given a complete mini-bridal trousseau by her father or , in his absence , her brother .
29 This dog is given a passing significance as … less than a symbol , not exactly a metaphor ; call it a figure .
30 Yet every now and again a student emerges who shows exceptional talent and it is quite natural that a drama school will make sure that his/her ability is given a good stretch in public with a major role , perhaps playing Hamlet or Hedda Gabler .
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