Example sentences of "[is] [adv] as if " in BNC.

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1 It is rather as if a burglar , when sued for the recovery of the stolen property or its value , sought contribution from a security guard who , by falling asleep while on duty , had made the burglary possible .
2 ‘ Sorry , I 'm being stupid , it 's just as if you might be too kind , too — you know — ’
3 ‘ It 's just as if they downed tools and pushed off , ’ Forster remarked .
4 You 're going to get more , it 's just as if we had just the big pipe from the
5 It 's hardly as if one of us turned up and the other did n't .
6 With the James , we are told who did it ; in the Ackroyd , the matted fellow who is the chief suspect is never very securely identified as the author of the crimes — it is almost as if the inspector could have done it : so that Ackroyd 's is an authorially uncertain work in which the authorship of its crimes is uncertain too .
7 It is almost as if we are confronted here by a replication of the poor Tom described in Ackroyd 's novel by another poor Tom of later times .
8 It is almost as if the catholic Irish people become a people of God in Old Testament terms , in a way similar to the Northern Calvinists , a people which have overriding power to set up their domain .
9 It is almost as if Thomas was trying to create , in fiction , an alternative pattern his life might have followed .
10 It is almost as if we are dealing with quite another God .
11 It is almost as if the muscles controlled the fingers as marionettes are controlled by their strings .
12 It is almost as if they were lent to us for their infancy and formative years , and are then entirely free to go their own way .
13 It is almost as if the direction of change is determined in advance ( by theory ) and then events have to be fitted into that pre-ordained model .
14 It is almost as if in Ichthus the word evangelism is synonymous with church planting .
15 The father , on the other hand , was unsure of the power of Jesus , and it is almost as if he says , ‘ I know you would if you could , but you probably ca n't . ’
16 An eminent psychologist has remarked that a man in a mood is almost as if in the grip of a small psychosis , and can find himself helpless in the face of it , unless he has trained himself not to identify with it too strongly .
17 Judged by existing Christian literature , it is almost as if trade unions hardly exist .
18 It is almost as if they had never been wild elephants — but only the day before yesterday , they were .
19 At times , it is almost as if she is trying to emulate the star-studded image of Suzanne Lenglen , which she clearly admires so much .
20 His comment suggests that it is almost as if , when someone woke up in the morning , they were suddenly possessed of something mysterious in becoming conscious , like a metaphysical virus .
21 It is almost as if Big Brother begrudges us our pleasures and has decided to make us realise there are other things going on in the world other than cricket .
22 It is almost as if he has acquired something of John 's own tempestuous wrath , John 's own dire , apocalyptic menace , John 's own threatening ultimata .
23 It is almost as if the man assigned the task has been chosen by lot , except that the drawing seems to have been fixed .
24 Unusually for dreaming , the plot is not in this case being driven by the visual imagery , but it is almost as if the feeling of terror is primary , and the process of dreaming is to interpret the somewhat mundane imagery to accommodate the emotion .
25 It is almost as if both men had to be chastened by the bitter lessons of Marxism in practice before there could be a return to the unproblematical friendship prior to the advent of Marxism in their lives .
26 It is almost as if having failed , the surgical staff can not bear to see the patient .
27 It is almost as if the teacher can enter the consciousness of the boy .
28 It is almost as if Lijn feels the need to replace a vacuum of powerful female imagery with real figures .
29 It is almost as if the speaker oscillates between fear and bravery , bitterness and acceptance .
30 It is almost as if she .
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