Example sentences of "[is] [prep] [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The head said it was important to think about ‘ whatever is best ’ for Balbinder , and went back to what the school catered for — ‘ people think it 's for mentally handicapped ’ .
2 This formula is for non-thermostatically controlled heaters .
3 He remembered the ancient and persistent belief that once any living creature has walked in the Black Fields of Sorcery and dined at the tables of the Lords of the Dark Ireland , he is for ever lost to the true Ireland .
4 I giant-stepped for a mile or two until I came upon a picture that is for ever engraved on the goggles of my mind .
5 Another distinction is between so called European type options which can only be exercised on the settlement day , and American type options which can be exercised at any time up to and including the settlement day .
6 I 'm dealing with two estates where no will has been made and the house was in the name of husband alone who died without a will and the net result is that on on law on intestacy neither of the those surviving widows is of right entitled to the house and in both cases there are children and as you can imagine there is a certain amount of anguish about it .
7 The case is of highly figured solid English walnut , and Macassar ebony .
8 We had quite a lot of making guesses of what it 'll , when it 's like half done .
9 This property is , however , not conceptualized as something in itself ( a kind of mystical link between people and things as it is with fully developed private property ) because it remains only an aspect of the social relations of which the tribe consists .
10 In addition , we have shown that elemental diet is as beneficial in patients with longstanding disease as it is in newly diagnosed patients .
11 Most probably it is in publicly owned concerns that the agent is more nearly risk-neutral , given what has gone before .
12 This management agreement is to formally set out the relationship between them to establish the investment policies to be pursued , the powers of the trustees or the investors , and the investment advisors , to establish clearly the fees and charges which are to be made by the advisors and the basis on which they will be made .
13 Which I mean for er for a hospital taking people on like that , I mean erm I would of said i it would would of been a better proposition to have somebody who 's at least experienced .
14 This is the way you will be thinking , using this sequence : a murder is committed , the detective arrives , the question is at once asked , " Who might have done it ? "
15 The vigour and profundity of the Old Testament 's own challenge is at once realized when we recall how far the ruins of Jericho are from Eden , or from that remarkable declaration of faith in Genesis 1 , and how completely the smoke of its destruction hides the last of the promises given to Abraham in Genesis 12 .
16 This antidote is effective against the romantic-individualist myth , because , as a protégé of Lyell , the young Darwin of the Beagle is at once invested with all the intellectual and institutional context that that myth would suppress .
17 The right moment to begin , he wrote , is the moment when right and wrong are no longer an issue , it may even be the moment , he wrote , when the realization dawns and is at once accepted that another moment might have been equally valid , and when this no longer matters .
18 The child of a globe-trotting executive mother is looked after by a female nanny and so the positive image of women in outward-looking powerful jobs is at once cancelled .
19 The collector is at once confronted with a choice : shall he assemble his collection with only the binding in mind , or shall he pay regard to the contents of the book as well ?
20 It can be imagined that the soul of such a man will be laved always by waves from the ocean of his love ; he is at once carried away from all bitterness ; and enmity has no meaning for him .
21 The authors warn visiting foreign scientists that their presence in the USSR will be used by the KGB to show that Sakharov is forgotten or that his exile is at least accepted .
22 However , guidance will be given to boards on the exercise of their powers and I shall monitor the position to ensure that the present level of provision is at least maintained .
23 I will monitor the position to ensure that the present level of provision is at least maintained .
24 The use of an executive summary is recommended to ensure that the key decision maker is at least appraised of key facts .
25 the message is at least understood by Frank Strandli .
26 By spending money on the unemployed , the old , and the poor ( who in the UK are entitled to supplementary benefit if their total income from whatever source falls below a certain minimum level ) , the government seeks to ensure that the distribution of income and welfare that a totally free market economy would otherwise have produced is at least truncated : there is a minimum standard of living below which no citizen should fall .
27 In the media which are also visual , a range of resources — physical appearance and the effective means of non-verbal communication — is at least added to the written or recorded form , and the effect is often more than addition ; it is a change of dimension which appears to restore presence , which for the alternative advantages of record and durability writing systems had moved away from .
28 Though no one can decide who to compare her with , everyone is at least agreed that Delia Marr has tremendous talent .
29 On the whole Hercules is rather a barren constellation , but it is at least graced by the presence of these two splendid globulars .
30 How much support and practical help you will get from your local Social Services Department varies from area to area , but everyone is at least entitled to one third of a pint of free milk each day for each child you mind .
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