Example sentences of "[is] [unc] i [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 it 's ab I think I said to you we 've got fifty , a good fifty-fifty split , if maybe not slightly more women actually on the course .
2 Erm in the afternoon at St William 's College and I think that 's ab I do n't know what it 's about two pounds fifty or something .
3 I know , but it 's a I think it 's the family .
4 Well I mean it 's impor I think it 's quite important to remember it 's sort of a means to an end .
5 No the , we 're moving about a bit now , there 'll be an element of long-line but there is er I know a lot of ladies will be relieved to know , there is a shorter length coming back in .
6 The problem I 've got is is er I know what I want to do and you told me what are doing , so from that I have a good picture of what how I should approach it .
7 Erm the er most important item I think Chairman is the work programme for the future year which commences at erm about twelve and forms the second half of the report and I would be very happy to deal with any questions and it is very clearly in the light of things that we 've already said , the first part of er that latter half of the report er which er emphasises the erm principal activities er to the department er that of strategic policy in paragraphs thirteen one , thirteen two and thirteen three are therefore perhaps the areas to which I would er draw you attention er most , but the report as whole is er I hope a reasonably succinct summary of what has gone on or what is proposed to be done and er in order to avoid simply what is already in the report , I , I would leave it at that point and say I 'm happy to deal with any questions .
8 Just to add to what 's been said erm there , there have been some points raised er along the lines I 've mentioned and as a result of that erm it is felt that erm notification to members who are not on the application sub-committee of applications which affect their ward area could be improved and that is er I hope to be the subject of a report to the next meeting of the Application Sub-Committee , so that er matter i is something which is , which is being picked up and will be considered by that sub-committee but it does give me the opportunity to say that erm the definition of a complaint i is certainly not a precise one and I certainly would n't want members of this committee to feel that I was being complacent er as a result of there only being three complaints that we received .
9 Yes er that 's been the essence of what I 've wanted is er I 've , I 've had to have what I 've wanted by hook or by crook , and I do n't mean crook in a bad sense , I mean one way or another , you know what I mean and er I did job for the casters , same as they did jobs for me , you know and that 's how I 've gone through life , that is Michael .
10 Well multiplication equation for this number line I would say is er I 've already told you that .
11 Er whether it 's er slight moderate or substantial er i is er I say is irrelevant but there certainly is significant benefit as a result of er of thirty percent reduction .
12 Right , erh what I 'd like to do then is er I say could you just introduce yourself or what you 're working on at the moment where you work and then the sort of presentations that you make er and then give us one of your objectives so that by the time we 've got right round the room we 'll er hopefully have everybody .
13 Now what I want to do is er I have to set this you know and find a venue to go to .
14 So , I mean what I would suggest is er I do n't know is John anticipated to be off for some time do you think ?
15 Erm you know , I mean er all the other places are alright , but this is er I do n't know
16 This is er I do n't know !
17 And that 's this is er I think I 've already told you that he was offered a job with Ingersoll Rand which were the main er people that dealt with air and air products in the old days .
18 We 've launched the series of six Beatrix Potter videos , the first two have been very successful , the first one sold three hundred and fifty thousand copies and is er I think it 's number three in the best seller list and we 'll give you one of these to take home and er and , and watch to your leisure .
19 I totally agree that there is er I think , probably a need for seminar , you know , it 's an area , it 's er , it 's changing , you know , all the time .
20 The B one development take-up is er I think a result of the the market in terms of B one is an attractive position for speculators , a great deal of that land has not yet been developed .
21 It is quite surprising how many of my particular clients do take out that particular plan and they do tend to mention the same type of er of benefits that y that er that you just mentioned there , it is er I think it is a good plan , universally appreciated .
22 So I 'd like to think that er whoever said that is er I think they 're wrong .
23 later than that , it 's er I mean to go to the crematorium at quarter past eleven , we would n't be back here before twelve o'clock .
24 So that 's er I mean you probably know we do , I do a talk erm I call it a story rather than a talk , and I say I hope it 's interesting as a story .
25 you imply that it 's er I mean quite easily
26 some paper them toilets cos er , I 'm , you know , I say , from our our , both side is something that 's er I mean , everybody 's looking purely from and return sales .
27 Well it 's er I mean look at me now , I 'm , I 'm oh I can walk in to Fram
28 It 's er I mean it 's the only thing to do is n't it ?
29 that 's , that 's er I know that Mrs has asked er youngsters at the Minster School to write in , and obviously this is one of the first of those .
30 Erm I had a phone call just before I came out , area area party , so this 'll come It 's about actually in the ward which we narrowly missed getting last time just by erm not even a very strong The by election is on September twenty third and we want leafleters this weekend , so if anybody is able to go on leafleting , which is right between It 's er I 've got the phone number for Forgot the surname but she works with Bob , so if you ring up and say this Is that Linda who works with Bob .
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