Example sentences of "[is] [conj] she [was/were] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ She got on what I think was the wrong ride , and the tough part is that she was such a willing victim .
2 Clearly Helen has looked for ‘ explanations ’ to help her deal with such a painful experience , and the one she seems to have come up with is that she was picked on for the way she looks .
3 ‘ Victor 's story is that she was willing , she undressed and led him to the bedroom .
4 Near the chancel arch is a niche dedicated to St Sitha — her only claim to fame , according to local tradition , is that she was martyred , her head was cut off ‘ and she picked it up and ran three miles to the nearby ( sic ! ) church to warn the other Christians . ’
5 ‘ What I like about Boadicea , ’ she says , ‘ is that she was n't in conflict with men ; she was fighting for her people , men and women , against an outside aggressor .
6 Hoccleve was a scribe by profession , and was therefore able to write his own confession , but the difficulty in considering the case of Margery Kempe is that she was illiterate , and dictated her account of her life to two different scribes , one a poor writer and the other a priest .
7 The more likely explanation is that she was pressurising him to leave your daughter to marry her .
8 You see , what I did n't know , is that she was feeling terribly nervous as well , just as I was .
9 Aunt Ilsa was in the library ; she had a heavy cold at the time and I am tempted to say we discovered her poring over a map , but the inelegant truth is that she was searching the shelves for a misplaced book when we entered .
10 As it was n't mentioned in the Newsletter write-up Geoff 's theory is that she was booted out .
11 Part of the reason she 's been relatively unknown there is that she was not a public figure .
12 … the real difficulty here is that she was not asked about her own feeling with regard to the scar and that is a much more serious matter in this sort of case .
13 Well , could do , what I ca n't forgive is that she was so spiteful to my daughter , she 's a sun shiny little sole and she 's so full of love for everybody she 's so generous
14 She felt is if she was in limbo , that somehow she was a disembodied spirit , one able to leave her body at will .
15 That 's cos she was n't there .
16 That 's cos she was leaning right over you see .
17 He felt sure he 'd have been told of it at literary do 's if she was really ill .
18 ‘ She 's like she was the day she had Apricot , ’ said Rhoda .
19 Stephanie is regularly offered geriatric roles and thinks it is because she was brought up surrounded by archetypal elderly Englishwomen — ‘ I suppose it entered my bloodstream ’ .
20 And suppo I assumed it 's because she was orphan .
21 She thinks it 's because she was carrying Gemma .
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