Example sentences of "[is] [conj] [pron] 's " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It 's that she 's not here . ’
2 told me that it 's that it 's Sacred Heart .
3 And course we 're doing a lot of counting today this wrist is a you know I do n't mind that you see what did that wrist was that elbow I had to have a second operation on it , in the arm up here because er I had to have some bone taken away in the elbow course it stretched guiders but they also erm disturbed the wrist joint because it was in plaster like that stretched round and disturbed the wrist joint and I ke it 's it weakened it and it 's only just it 's only just this what last nine months that it 's that it 's really started to effect this but I know what it is that 's because I keep going out doing the odd jobs
4 A brick , it 's that it 's wood , it 's wood wood , would like to sort of feel it ?
5 No , but she has got like , it 's that it 's dark ginger .
6 because the obviously danger 's that it 's snapping the dowels and it 's which , it what happened on , on the case of the two dowels in n it ?
7 And that 's where a lot of it and she still think 's that he 's
8 See tha , i if this chap 's got a fault , it 's that he 's a bit of mucky worker .
9 I know it 's 'cause there 's a party planned for my birthday we 're going so far .
10 That 's 'cause it 's only light !
11 and the best thing is that nobody 's doing it , everybody 's doing cabaret spots along the line jokes and stuff like that , but nobody 's not doing cabaret spots with trumpets
12 Part of the problem that we got back to when we looked over the issues is that what 's happening in the private sector is not just that it 's growing but that it 's very much in an unplanned fashion .
13 The problem with relying on COSE is that no-one 's really sure if it wants or is ready — or knows how — to solve the problem yet .
14 ‘ The difference between Rough Trade and a major label is that one 's a corner shop and one 's Sainsbury 's , ’ states Jim , wisely if somewhat bleedin' obviously .
15 One of the things wrong with porn , therefore , is that someone 's — usually the woman 's — autonomy is violated .
16 About Lily , all I know is that she 's not well .
17 Trivial or shallow , in particular , are criticisms levelled at young women for their concern over their appearance ; one of the worst current insults you can throw at an actress or pop star is that she 's a bimbo — concerned only with her looks and nothing else .
18 ‘ The trouble is that she 's constantly demanding , day and night . ’
19 Some people who have an elderly parent to live with them are heard to say , ‘ We 're very fond of her of course , but the trouble with Mother is that she 's always there ! ’
20 Her conclusion , which mark Shearman 's photos support fully , is that she 's relaxed and ready to run against all comers .
21 Meanwhile , former Pink Floyd member Roger Waters has attacked Madonna in the most recent issue of Details magazine : ‘ What 's extraordinary about Madonna is that she 's made all these rotten records , and she 's this awful , ugly , dull person who — by virtue of the fact that she 's completely fearless and shameless and blatant and cheap and bad — has become successful , ’ he says .
22 ‘ One of Tessa 's greatest qualities is that she 's brilliant at making a home , not a pretty home , although they usually are , but a real home .
23 ‘ No , her great fault is that she 's vain . ’
24 ‘ All I worry about is that she 's going to come back . ’
25 His story is that she 's walked out on him , but there are one or two suspicious circumstances .
26 My only sorrow is that she 's turned out so fair .
27 and they confirm that Dreadnought has been officially classed as a wreck , and what 's worse , I 'm afraid , is that she 's lying near enough to the shipping channels for them , to quote their letter , to exercise their statutory powers and remove her by means of salvage craft . "
28 ‘ All I shall tell you is that she 's somebody Mother knows . ’
29 All I know about her is that she 's twice a widow …
30 Well I think , I 've got ta say that I think it might be ha it might be working better now with there but when not there and we go to and say can you tell me where X Y Z is , the response you 're gon na get is I 'm sorry I do n't know and the reason she wo n't know is that she 's never bothered to ask because she 's not talking so it 's okay while there but it wo n't be when she 's not because I 've had that , sorry I do n't know .
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