Example sentences of "[is] [prep] be in " in BNC.

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1 She says she 's to be in Leningrad for a day or two — she 's on location at Lake Baikal — to meet Mrs Reagan on her flying visit to the Hermitage .
2 I would like to know what 's to be in it , when is the trial audit going to be , I suppose it 's in my diary , em .
3 The referral agency 's to be in B ?
4 INTEL , the California-based semi conductor manufacturer , yesterday confirmed its first European manufacturing base is to be in the Irish Republic .
5 Trade with other former members of Comecon is to be in hard currency , if it takes place at all .
6 TO BE in the Baltic states is to be in the West .
7 Please remember that if the account is to be in joint names , then both parties must sign the form .
8 But nevertheless , at that stage in your career , the tendency is to be in so much of a hurry , that if the opportunities present themselves , it all seems quite logical in a way .
9 My final message to Mr Dave Ayres is to be in full receipt of his facts before passing judgement on a fellow canoeist , using sarcastic comments that only inflame what is already a sensitive situation .
10 The knack in dowsing is to be in the right frame of mind , not caring too much what answer you get , but at the same time having a clear idea of what you are looking for , otherwise you are opening yourself up to a very wide ‘ waveband ’ and things will get very confused .
11 Cleaving and becoming one is to be in every area of our being — spiritual , psychological/emotional and physical .
12 So it is definitely possible to distinguish between faith , doubt and unbelief in theory ( to believe is to be in one mind , to disbelieve is to be in another and to doubt is to be in two minds ) .
13 So it is definitely possible to distinguish between faith , doubt and unbelief in theory ( to believe is to be in one mind , to disbelieve is to be in another and to doubt is to be in two minds ) .
14 So it is definitely possible to distinguish between faith , doubt and unbelief in theory ( to believe is to be in one mind , to disbelieve is to be in another and to doubt is to be in two minds ) .
15 To be in doubt is to be in two minds , to be caught between two worlds , to be suspended between a desire to affirm and a desire to negate .
16 ‘ What I want is to be in charge of myself , to decide what I will or will not do . ’
17 ‘ I live 20 minutes away from the set , but when you are working 16 hours a day the last thing you need is to be in a foreign country with a small child .
18 ‘ I do n't imagine you make a habit of calling on your clients unannounced , however delightful it is to be in your company . ’
19 The value of relative inheritance arises because of difference ( 6 ) — the chunk difference : for example , assume a chunk of text includes a title that is to be in a bigger font than the surrounding text .
20 A decision will have to be made in short order if a technology is to be in place by November or December when the Sparc and MIPS/Advanced RISC Computing implementations of the Destiny desktop operating system are due , a timetable suggested by Pieper .
21 One of the several things we would advise any visitor to San Gimignano to do is to be in its main square , Piazza della Cisterna , towards evening when the light of the setting sun tinges the buildings with delicate colours .
22 The main thing for me at this stage in my career is to be in a well organised team which will help me win the 250 World Championship .
23 ‘ Our goal is to be in the top five , ’ Voss states confidently .
24 But ‘ all these things are a matter of judgement , ’ thinks David Livermore , IBM 's director in charge of the environment , ‘ and our intention is to be in the forefront . ’
25 Simply complete the attached application form , making sure both parties sign if the account is to be in joint names .
26 Please remember that if the account is to be in joint names , then both parties must sign the form .
27 Please remember that both parties must sign the form if the account is to be in joint names .
28 All you have to do is complete the attached application form , making sure both parties sign if the Bond is to be in joint names , then take or post it to your local Midland branch , together with your investment ( minimum £2,000 ) .
29 Field men know that pollution does not crop up at random and one of the arts of enforcement is to be in the right place at the right time — or at least to know where to look , for a particular problem in this form of enforcement is to forge a link between act or event and offender .
30 The domicile of the company , i.e. whether the registered office is to be in England and Wales , Scotland or Wales .
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