Example sentences of "[is] [prep] this [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It is during this period that various decrees and opinions of church leaders advise women to abstain from the Eucharist and even to refrain from entering the church altogether when they are menstruating .
2 It is during this period that any further investigation which is necessary should be carried out , both into new allegations in the Summons/Initial Writ and any further points which are raised by the solicitor following consideration of the insurers ' file .
3 It is during this time that torture most commonly occurs .
4 Since rainfall controls plant growth , and plants are the base of the food pyramid , deserts typically have only a short period when food is abundant ; it is during this time that the creatures of the desert must complete their breeding cycle .
5 And you can imagine the conrod in your car is about this size .
6 ‘ The Mercy Seat is about this person in solitary confinement , becoming more sensitive to inanimate objects , and as he sits thinking about human and Divine Justice , finding himself judging these things as Good or Evil . ’
7 Much of ecology is about this process : finding energy ; putting it to use .
8 I do n't know what it is about this study … sort of phoney .
9 It is about this time of year that life at the headquarters of the Women Professional Golfers ' European Tour gets a little hectic for Membership Secretary Marion Davies .
10 It is about this time each day that the boy goes by . ’
11 I told you man , it 's for this university study .
12 Similarly , the projects schemes that elect a member , it 's Councillor , who 's also willing to continue , and that 's for this period of time .
13 Gosh , is this all it 's for this television ?
14 She 's for this house .
15 It 's for this reason that shareware has n't to be confused with public domain ( PD ) software .
16 It 's for this reason I 've gone against my initial instinct not to blow our own trumpet on this at the risk of provoking more ‘ bad loser ’ comments from certain people ( and let me stress I do n't mean the runners-up ) communicated to me .
17 It 's for this reason that the setting up of a risk management group is considered the essential feature in the first step to control : identifying the risks relevant to a specific organisation .
18 It 's for this reason that many of the shop stewards ' conferences that we 've convened in the last year have been pressing a policy of consolidating bonus pay into the basic rates and we 've achieved some small success in this in building brick and in one or two other industries .
19 JE : Presumably it 's for this reason that he asked Plomer to collaborate on Gloriana instead .
20 Tilson , who 's married and used to be a school cleaner , has n't been seen since the attack 3 weeks ago , and it 's for this reason , police have taken the unsual step of naming him as a suspect .
21 And it 's for this reason , I think , that people quite properly are interested in Darwin 's theory of evolution , are worried about it and so on .
22 It 's for this time .
23 Their justification for doing it is that it 's for this thing , this painting or whatever , and I always wonder if it could n't be more without all that . ’
24 None of them is worth this sort of money .
25 The level of provisions ‘ demonstrates the immense damage which is done by extreme economic cycles and just how important it is for this country to strive to secure steady growth on a low-inflationary basis ’ .
26 So my the , in my mind the best way forward is for this council to promote the right to buy and I fully support this motion and I would urge members of this council to ignore the report that comes back from the housing committee .
27 It is for this purpose that the British Deaf and Dumb Association exists .
28 I do n't know what the one , the the there 's usually a theme for every one world week each year and I do n't know what the theme is for this year .
29 So maybe do it again next year , but I think the offer is for this year .
30 It is for this kind of reason that Kuhn compares scientific revolutions to political revolutions .
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