Example sentences of "[is] [adj] [noun] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 That s one reason we suffered last year .
2 He 's ma , he 's he 's er squitting It 's complete squit He 's been exposed .
3 There is little doubt they will be bidding in Ireland to-morrow .
4 While little direct evidence is available on the fate of the mountain populations during this period , there is little doubt they were too weak numerically and organizationally to put up any effective resistance to either power .
5 There is little doubt which way the university would vote , given the opportunity .
6 Whilst the problematic nature of the traditional pattern by which responsibilities have been divided between them is well recognised , there is little evidence which can be used to evaluate what would happen if other arrangements were tried .
7 In terms of the definition of er what is historic York I think again an issue we went over for some length of time at the greenbelt inquiry , I would draw your attention back to my earlier comments that York is basically a modern industrial city with a very precious historic core , that historic core er represents no more than actually five percent of the built up area , that something like eighty five percent of the city was built after eighteen hundred , the view that was expressed by the County in N Y Two , in terms of the definition of the greenbelt , the Greater York greenbelt and its purposes was not accepted by the City Council , we do not accept that all of the func elements of the York greenbelt contribute towards preserving the character of the historic city , we rely on the the fact that the two comments the Senior Inspector made at this , the the green wedges and historic core itself that establish the historic character of the city , there are many parts of the edge of York which could repli be replicated in many cities , historic or otherwise around the country and finally just coming back to the issue of scale of development erm the point I should have made earlier about the house builders figures for the city of York is that the house builders did suggest a figure of four thousand for the city , erm , I 'm not aware on what basis that was made , but clearly my evidence would quite clearly indicate that I believe that could not be accommodated , certainly on any known sites within the cit current city boundary , thank you Chair .
8 If International had been around at the time of the Vikings , there 's little doubt whose paint would have been used to keep those marauding longships in prime condition .
9 There 's little doubt she would be excellent in the job .
10 There 's little doubt he 's your man . ’
11 ‘ There 's little point him staying in Britain unless he begins to act on jobs , industry and the housing market . ’
12 The children 's charity is issuing leaflets which advise harassed parents : ‘ Cool down and set children a good example rather than overreact .
13 The hon. Gentleman is confusing duties which remain with the Secretary of State and with the council .
14 Now , you , you 're , that 's a subjective feeling , you do n't actually know that there are neurones in your blood sugar level , but you , you certainly know when you need something to eat and it , it 's a kind of subjective feeling and it 's not farfetched in the least to claim that our genes have rigged our brain in that way to do that because obviously we 'd like to have more reproductive success if you know when you 're hungry than when you do n't and it may be that a lot of , in a lot of other ways genes affect our , our behaviour through similar erm effects , that is subjective feelings we have , often of an emotional nature to make us want to do certain things and an an and dislike doing others , and it may be that we , we 're really kind of lumbered with that .
15 ‘ Only when the West is strong will there be a real opportunity for peaceful negotiations with the aim of freeing not only the Soviet zone [ i.e. East Germany ] but also the whole of enslaved Eastern Europe beyond the Iron Curtain . ’
16 In Gurtin in the Omagh area , where Riofinex has already caused huge disturbance to local people simply through its exploration activities and where it is proposing to stripmine for gold , there is strong opposition which stretches across the political spectrum from Sinn Fein to the Democratic Unionist Party .
17 But of course the minute you put a , slap a cover on this information , it begins to , to change and people die and new governments are elected and whatever , er so yes , we are , we have in our employ someone who 's sole job it is to read all the newspapers , er watch the T V , all the media and keep all the information up to date , so the , that 's a full time job really and they 're working on the data base day and night
18 who says sex appeal is fifty percent what you 've got and fifty percent what people think you 've got ?
19 Perhaps what we are talking about is adoptive parents who need to feel in charge , secure and ‘ in control ’ ( Tizard , 1977 ) .
20 I know it 's awful making you actually have to decide for yourself .
21 Since communication through goods depends on our abilities to read form , and since designing is that activity which " gives " form to things , ( cf Abel : design " lends concrete form to the cultural processes of human individuation and identity formation " ) it is scarcely surprising that , while we " know how " to read designed form , lack of " knowing that " about the workings of form ( form as the mediation between technical and communicative [ ie social ] requirements ) crucially inhibits the understanding of design in general and " design-and-society " relations in particular .
22 Of course I have lied in my time ; I have — what is that word your sex favours ? — I have schemed .
23 That is where our freedom lies and it is that freedom which the fatwa threatens , and which it can not be allowed to destroy . ’
24 It is that structure which determines longer-run profitability .
25 Another possibility is that biotechnology itself might be able to redress the balance through the use of surplus agricultural and woodland products as feed stocks for manufacturing processes or as sources of energy .
26 Is that person someone who needs to know the result ?
27 That person is that person it 's the way they are .
28 The individual in whom that spirit lives will be faced with the opportunity to do such wrong and it is that individual who makes the choice and decides which path to follow .
29 What I have always said is that way you set up supervision behind the programme is the most crucial , so therefore if I can sit down and help them to set up the most strenuous type of supervision to go along with the equipment , then they feel safe and the community feel safer that none of them will go out and commit another crime .
30 Happy is that man whose eyes have tides like the sea and are drawn by a mystic moon .
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