Example sentences of "[is] [verb] [conj] the " in BNC.

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1 Evidence is accumulating that the cap , in combination with the transfer of funds to the Research Councils , has had a serious effect on the intellectual life of the University , and its removal is earnestly awaited .
2 They have been fighting a real war , a race war , a class war , a war over resources and territory , a war in which real children die every day , a war nobody can win because no territory is conquered and the body counts do not mean victory .
3 The first move , therefore , is to see whether the level of the available lighting can be improved without making any radical changes .
4 One of BRAC 's concerns at present is to see whether the lobon-gur solution has become part of the Bangladeshi culture , in so far as the mothers taught by BRAC 's Oral Therapy Replacement Workers might pass their knowledge down to their children .
5 The jury 's task is to see whether the duty arose on the facts .
6 One objective of Mr Grosz is to see that the HSWP holds its party congress , as in ‘ normal ’ times , early next year .
7 The duty of the auditor is to see that the accounts have been prepared in accordance with the legal requirements and to see that proper accounting practices have been observed in the compilation of the accounts .
8 The teaching task is to see that the techniques that are used are effective in promoting learning objectives , so they have to be designed to account for specific contexts of instruction .
9 Any repairs or replacements or renewals of furnishings are noted on the cards , and they are constantly referred to by the housekeeping and maintenance departments , whose responsibility it is to see that the room is maintained to the required standard .
10 The job of our full-time fund raisers is to see that the RNLI 's use of such methods is as professional as can be . ’
11 After all , the purpose of management is to see that the work of the organisation gets done , and the only managers who supervise ‘ actual work ’ directly are the ‘ front-line ’ or ‘ first-line ’ supervisors ( eg. ‘ foreman ’ in manufacturing industries ) .
12 The job of the trustee is to see that the fund is managed within the terms of its ‘ trustee deed ’ .
13 I rather think that they are concentrating on the main task which is to see that the children are properly provided for .
14 . The last one then , erm , C P is the completer. and their role is to see that the team is protected as far as possible from mistakes and they also maintain a sense of urgency within the team .
15 Those of us who have fought those of us who have fought still have one job we can do and that is to see that the military capability of the United States is such that no potential aggressor will ever dare attack us .
16 ‘ The last thing a Secretary of State would normally have time to do is to see if the Historic Royal Palaces are being run in a way to maximise profit . ’
17 The idea is to see if the terms on which bargainers settle can be influenced by such cues .
18 At the receiver , the signal is demodulated and the information — the voice - extracted .
19 Fostering Society awareness at a local level can be a great help — stamping membership cards in areas was suggested — From the objectives stated in our Development Plan in the first year , it is calculated that the minimum Membership needed for 1987 will be 3,300 — and the responsibility for recruiting the majority of this must rest with our Q.T. 's — the burden can be eased by working together on local projects and targets have been set for each area to reach by the end of this academic year .
20 Note : The authors believe that it is important that we encourage students to understand the relationships involved and not concentrate on calculating ratios which they frequently do n't understand and can not interpret because they have not fully understood why a ratio is calculated or the relationships which the ratio expresses .
21 In order to set this for optimum sensitivity , a one ohm resistor should be connected across the probes and the control is adjusted until the l.e.d. just becomes illuminated .
22 The capacitance C s of the variable standard capacitor is adjusted until the voltmeter V indicates resonance , when the inductance can be found from the theoretical expression ( 5.42 ) of section 5.6 for the resonant frequency .
23 This is explained when the nominal amounts paid out are adjusted for inflation , ( Table 8.5 ) .
24 The problem is compounded where the codes in contact themselves are not only similar but have diffuse norms , so that the boundary between them is not always clear either to the linguist or to community members .
25 The problem is compounded when the range and number of data types is substantial , if only because the data may be acquired from a very wide variety of sources .
26 The important point is to diagnose whether the short-fall is due to internal causes or external pressures .
27 On top of this a generous layer of washed pebbles or cobbles is placed and the pump outlet drawn up until it is at the surface of the stones .
28 Every file that is opened can have a completion list on the inside front cover that is checked before the file is closed .
29 Here at Nottingham it is recognized that the source of our special contribution to academic achievement is the quality of the people who work within it .
30 Once it is recognized that the job of the visual system is to recode the retinal image in terms of a representation of the outside world , and that much of this encoding can be done by comparing the properties of the retinal image in different parts of the visual field using fairly straightforward rules , constancies present no problem .
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