Example sentences of "[vb infin] or [vb infin] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This is not to say that the English can not absorb or debate French or other foreign ideas .
2 Differential expansion with increasing temperature causes the compound rod to bend and make or break electrical contact .
3 But more importantly , they can make or break political careers .
4 What of scientists themselves — whose help can often make or break successful protests against serious abuses of science .
5 Enterprises have the capacity to thwart external assessment of their performance and to steer between the conflicting , multifarious pressures on them ; while the political authorities can grant or withhold economic resources and more fundamentally , general political support .
6 No special LIFESPAN privileges are required to use this option , but you can only grant or cancel special links between yourself and other users ; you can not change links set up by other users .
7 The ability to take such proceedings might well restrict or prevent public discussion of matters of public importance despite the willingness of any person wishing to take part in that discussion to take every reasonable precaution to avoid defamatory imputation against any identifiable individual .
8 We have no explanation for this differential behaviour unless additional factors associated with RNA polymerase other than its five subunits ( α 2 ββ ’ and σ ) might enhance or stabilize open complex formation .
9 As we approach the last third of the 1980s , it is an open question whether the tribulations of the CMEA economies will weaken or strengthen Soviet influence in her Empire , or for that matter erode or reinforce Europe 's division .
10 Some of them have posited underlying mechanisms of language change to account for this ; some have been more interested in relating it to social realities , treating language as a sort of cultural key rather than as a self-contained system with its own particular dynamic ; others have seen it as their main task to suggest linguistic reforms that will modify or eliminate offensive usages .
11 Or they can modify or substitute new goals which are more readily obtainable .
12 Council Houses are a valuable asset for those who can not buy or afford private rents .
13 Such courses could teach the basics students will need or refresh existing knowledge .
14 At crisis talks in London , the Prime Minister has warned all sides involved in the strife in the former Yugoslavia that they must compromise or face total isolation .
15 Then you can either blow dry or use heated rollers or tongs .
16 JS Developments will also provide the link with Marks and Spencer for any future joint developments and will also redevelop or refurbish closing JS stores where appropriate .
17 An increase or decrease in government spending will stimulate or contract national income by an amount given by the value of the multiplier .
18 They shall not gamble , swear or use improper language .
19 Before any computer system can generate or understand spoken words the complex waveforms that make up speech must be turned into a digital form that the computer can cope with .
20 Bukharin , since he was writing for a somewhat different purpose — at that point in his exposition — did not assume or leave implicit the equilibrium between society and nature , but instead desired to show that it is a necessary basis , precondition , for the situation that Marx dealt with .
21 The report made 230 recommendations for action which would radically improve or reduce legal , financial , housing , employment and other problems facing Britain 's one-parent families .
22 But improved cooking instructions would neither identify or make safe those minority of models which even Mr Gummer admitted to needing ‘ more substantial changes of oven design . ’
23 At best they were regarded as a distraction , if not a danger ; the assumption being that as they did not smoke or play outdoor games , ‘ they devote themselves … to inducing lads to leave humming-tops and marbles , and cleave only to them ’ .
24 It is just as likely that the market , left to itself , would not finance or build nuclear-power stations , not because of the greens but because of their poor rate of return .
25 If if er I five sites have been taken up and employment needs of districts have been addressed and the county in general have been addressed , then er an inward investment would n't provide or offer substantial proven employment benefits .
26 We may like or dislike different activities with particularly strong feelings involved .
27 The engine does not boil or run hot , around 85°-90°C ( is this temp normal ? )
28 The company does not use or sell standard U/Vs .
29 It was not undertaken to support , refute or criticize contemporary urban and regional theory .
30 Some small-scale surveys suggest that some young girls do indeed become or remain pregnant with this in mind , but the impact at the national level is not known ( see Murphy 1989 ) .
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