Example sentences of "[vb infin] by [v-ing] back " in BNC.

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1 They 've developed a method to help putt by pulling back the club every inch for every foot .
2 I will finish by looking back — which , at my age , I do far too often .
3 Erm well I mean I think there 's some very fundamental issues in all this in , in the communication spectrum first of all using the phrase back to basics , what do people mean by that and that 's where the , they , they have gone wrong because the problem is that here we are , four people round this table and I 'm sure if all of us were asked what do we mean by getting back to basics , we 'll come out with a totally different you know set of things that meanings .
4 I 'm gon na start by going back to that graph we looked at first thing this morning which is trying to explain what had been happening to the pattern of tourism , both visitors to this country and visitors moving away from this country in the period nineteen seventy eight to nineteen eighty two .
5 Do not think that you can learn by sitting back with your feet up reading a book .
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