Example sentences of "[vb infin] by [v-ing] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Andrewes would commence by reading out his text both in the English of the Genevan Bible and in the Latin of the Vulgate and would never lose sight of it , frequently repeating it throughout the sermon .
2 They 've developed a method to help putt by pulling back the club every inch for every foot .
3 He added that the government was also helping local businesses to expand and invest by cutting down on red tape : ‘ If people in business try to expand it is very , very bureaucratic and government approval is needed for most projects . ’
4 I will finish by looking back — which , at my age , I do far too often .
5 And a very good example , if you put these two together just to see what you can do by moving round to a different viewpoint .
6 The argument I shall advance , surprising as it may seem coming from the author of the earlier chapters , is that , for an understanding of the evolution of modern man , we must begin by throwing out the gene as the sole basis of our ideas on evolution .
7 Your opponent is allowed the first turn , and will almost always begin by picking up two different cards , say an ace and a six .
8 On receiving a referral a social worker can usefully begin by setting out answers to these questions :
9 To investigate this kind of holism , then , I shall begin by laying out the most relevant portions of Althusser 's theory .
10 For now , let's begin by jotting down a few ideas for sequences to make a Christmas movie .
11 But , given a subject , a place , a community , a way of life , that you find actively interesting , then you should begin by brooding over its possibilities .
12 It is essential , for instance , that environmental standards for industry are set at a European level so that companies do not compete by seeking out those locations with inadequate environmental protection .
13 She could not die by giving up .
14 One strategy for implementing information systems would proceed by breaking up the information systems project according to the departmental structure of the organisation .
15 The internalist can respond by pointing out how great our natural intuition is to favour the internalist conception .
16 Give human values to the Blessed Dawg , and it will respond by living up to them .
17 He has been soundly scourged , verbally , by the girl , and can only respond by going off to Mome Elwis , and giving her another verbose and self-pitying plea ( lines 39 – 62 ) , repetitiously anticipating his own death if his sexual desires are not gratified .
18 Give planaria a mild electric shock and they will respond by curling up ; touch them very gently with a rod , or squirt a mild jet of water at them , and they will not show any response at all .
19 Erm well I mean I think there 's some very fundamental issues in all this in , in the communication spectrum first of all using the phrase back to basics , what do people mean by that and that 's where the , they , they have gone wrong because the problem is that here we are , four people round this table and I 'm sure if all of us were asked what do we mean by getting back to basics , we 'll come out with a totally different you know set of things that meanings .
20 Many of those on board who were of merely ordinary calibre would serve by yielding up their vital force to feed the Emperor 's insatiable soul , so that he could continue to be a watchful beacon and protector .
21 In the end , I could only escape by galloping off , leaving him in full flow , and diving into a shop .
22 More probably , however , Cordoba is yet another potential champion from Michael Stoute 's Newmarket production line , an opinion the son of El Gran Senor can underline by galloping off with today 's Middle Park Stakes at Newmarket , writes John Karter .
23 If they moved against him as if he were a common criminal , he would retaliate by standing up in court and defending himself .
24 You could experiment by commenting out the buffers=xx line in CONFIG.SYS to see whether buffering has much effect on your system , or if you have DOS 5.0 play with the secondary cache it provides .
25 However , he can start by moving off in the direction of the local vector itself , and in this case parallel transport is well defined .
26 Beside this , the very persistence of the term is itself worthy of interest and on academic , moral and political grounds any resolution of the uncertainty that surrounds the value of the concept of the inner city must surely start by taking on this vocabulary for what it is .
27 ‘ Well , we could start by working out exactly how and when the cakes arrived . ’
28 ‘ You can start by cleaning up that mess . ’
29 I 'm gon na start by going back to that graph we looked at first thing this morning which is trying to explain what had been happening to the pattern of tourism , both visitors to this country and visitors moving away from this country in the period nineteen seventy eight to nineteen eighty two .
30 If you suspect a text is quoting another text , you can check by looking up what you take to be the key word of the quotation in a Dictionary of Quotations .
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