Example sentences of "[vb infin] they [vb infin] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Sunday nights have always been a problem for the serious cinemagoer , since this is the night that brings out the lads whose parents do n't make them go to bed early before a fresh week at school begins .
2 Those which have are reaping impressive rewards simply by identifying precisely the services or products customers want ; looking at their most lucrative areas ; finding out what clients really value ; and establishing what would make them move to a competing hotel .
3 ‘ The only thing that might make them move after three years here is Italy .
4 She used to show you a collection of photographs which she kept in her wallet as if they were family photographs , but in fact these pictures were all pictures of men 's cocks , she used to make them stop on the way home at the photobooth in the entrance to the station , she 'd make them stand on the stool with their trousers down , she never got caught — Greta , on seeing me leave with an especially handsome man : ‘ I hope you 're on the pill . ’
5 cos it 'll make them think about their language wo n't they ?
6 Mais je me dis , des enfants c'est des enfants , on peut pas les faire penser comme des adultes , on peut pas — ‘ I tell myself , children are children ; one ca n't make them think like adults — one just ca n't ’
7 I would make them pay for what they 've done .
8 The child who has been moving boats and other objects that float on the surface of the water , suddenly discovers that he can make them sink by holding them down or pouring water on top of them .
9 If Gina was pleasant to him she could share ; if not , he would make them last for two meals .
10 Now do welcome them , do make them feel at home , especially those of you who are new to the place you will know and remember what it 's like when you first come into a strange building that feels like home .
11 The return of Latin would make them feel as if they were experiencing something mysterious and exalted , something greater than themselves .
12 ‘ Surely they ca n't make them fly through that , can they ? ’
13 It took the London store magnate Gordon Selfridge , who included them in his own advertising copy in the evening papers , to show that publishing them would increase the value of the paper to its readers , rather than make them desert to a rival medium .
14 You may think you have problems now , but Vittorio can make them seem like fond memories . ’
15 ‘ I think if I did that would make them look at me in a completely different way . ’
16 Furthermore , these Creole features of grammar do not appear to carry any particular symbolic value either ( see the quote from Hewitt above ) and the contexts in which they occur do not make them look like code switches .
17 A to help men get sexually aroused , B to make them make them look like women 's legs , C to prevent men getting sexy aroused ?
18 Well I du n no I think that they would follow if they wanted to roll up they can do they do with
19 So er how often does this do they go to then , how often is this order ?
20 As Adam Smith remarks in 1759 : ‘ When a person comes into his chamber , and finds the chairs all standing in the middle of the room , he is angry with his servant , and rather than see them continue in that disorder , perhaps takes the trouble himself to set them all in their places with their backs to the wall .
21 The result is to go back to roots of pop music , mixing documentary , fly-on-the-wall conversations and live sets from an interesting assortment of guests , often tackling numbers you would n't normally see them perform on TV .
22 Novell 's network products are mostly for PCs , but the next few years will see them move into the traditional minicomputer market with support for a number of minicomputer systems , thus re-enforcing their dominance .
23 No true supporter of any country would want Wales to remain in the doldrums , but would rather see them return to a competitive level because it is good for the game .
24 I do n't see them come round the front .
25 He did n't see them hurry down the street and take the first turning that came : Jess talking and talking now .
26 Did you hear them say about the horoscopes ?
27 It seemed unbelievable that they would stand aside and let them leave like this .
28 No disrespect to my conveyancing brethren but I would n't let them loose on a guilty plea of going the wrong way round a keep left sign .
29 ‘ Can you tell me when we can begin to teach the totally inexperienced , gauche young ladies you 've employed as receptionists , or do we just let them loose on our unsuspecting clients ? ’
30 But how long do I let them struggle with a complicated example before intervening ?
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