Example sentences of "[vb infin] you have a " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I did n't know you have a sister . ’
2 I will ensure you have a copy as soon as it 's available .
3 And moreover do n't you feel you have a responsibility to explain to ordinary people , particularly in your area , what it is you 're doing and why it 's important and why you should go on doing it ? ’
4 The way you move , sit and stand will show you have a greater body awareness and pride .
5 Do you think you have a few views in common with your workmates or do you think that when you 're talking things come out that you kind of like minded about things , maybe because of the job you 're doing , and the place you work in , you know like maybe like politics or something ,
6 ‘ I do n't think you have a cheek at all , ’ she told him gently .
7 Bearing in mind that you 're rich enough to live in Surrey , and some people ca n't even afford a roof over their head do n't you think you have a moral obligation towards these people ?
8 ‘ Do you believe you have a choice ? ’ she asked .
9 May I understand you have a caravan on the back at the time ?
10 I think one of the problems is , that a lot of shoppers do n't realize that they 're entering into a contract and we do n't realize it for the simple reason that most people have , as soon as you hear the word contract you have a mental image of a legal document that you sign , do n't you ?
11 Well good-bye , it 's been nice knowing you , I 've enjoyed running my hands up and down your spine , it was so nice of you to give me my faith back , we must keep in touch , I do hope you have a nice life , cheerio .
12 There are handouts at the back the ones on that side are the ones from this afternoon there are some if you want a result of the really really good for train good handouts there so I would recommend you have a look .
13 ‘ And do n't forget you have a busy time ahead of you tomorrow .
14 ‘ Did you realise you have a smudge of chalk on your lapel ? ’
15 And there 's , er , I mean it was showing somebody round the other day and we were talking about it and , and erm they 're saying , yeah I mean , you 've got seven urinals there , so let's say you have a busy night , you 're full , I mean that 's when damage gets done when people
16 Then , when they are unfolded , you will find you have a knot .
17 You may find you have a room or rooms in your own house which can easily be converted on a temporary basis for an exhibition .
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