Example sentences of "[vb infin] that it had " in BNC.

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1 She did not know that it had been spiked with tranquillisers until she woke up some time later .
2 How would it know that it had to lose weight ?
3 It deliberately switched off its mind to me , to make me think that it had died . ’
4 they did not think that it had been a whole school effort ;
5 To those who argued that the policy was deluded , its sponsors could answer that it had good aims in view ; indeed , the more glaring the disappointment , the more glowing the colours in which those aims were painted .
6 Nor could she recollect that it had ever been suggested they should do so .
7 It would make the association feel that it had had a better hearing if it saw the Minister face to face rather than pursuing the matter in correspondence .
8 It did n't matter that it had taken such a long time .
9 It could n't be simply The History of Wimbledon ( there was a book with that title — it did n't matter that it had been published nearly two hundred years ago ) .
10 The CEGB would perhaps be more fully convincing in its argument on fuel diversity if it could show that it had more real commitment to the development and use over a long time scale of renewable-energy technologies .
11 In fact as well as fiction the Victorian house had become more private than its Regency predecessors ; one might even claim that it had developed distinct symptoms of Wemmick 's siege mentality .
12 In places , the bone was exposed and , in the uncertain light , Nuadu could nearly believe that it had been nibbled .
13 She could n't believe that it had all stopped , the misery , the anguish , the self-recrimination .
14 But he desired the little glass key , because he was a craftsman , and could see that it had taken masterly skill to blow all these delicate wards and barrel , and because he did not have any idea about what it was or might do , and curiosity is a great power in men 's lives .
15 When I had finished I could see that it had made not the slightest impression .
16 It was a long speech and he could see that it had tired her .
17 Originally , the abridged talk in Davis 's recording had seemed to be a sensible compromise , yet looking back I can see that it had something to do with the partial dissatisfaction expressed in my review of the reissue : ‘ the total effect is more of a divertissement than of opéra-comique ’ .
18 I could see that it had been an upsetting experience .
19 But she could n't let him see that it had meant something to her .
20 Mrs. Jones did not understand that it had that effect , notwithstanding that the creditor 's solicitor went through the mortgage with her and explained it to her before she signed .
21 There was a long pause and then , somewhat reluctantly , Cassie said : ‘ I did n't realize that it had n't happened yet .
22 Lazarus 's business ambitions soon elevated him from storeman to lumber merchant , thence to a partnership in the coal industry which became his sole business — L. Cohen and Son — after a few years , and hence to a high-profile dredging company which could boast that it had kept every one of the lifelines of the young nation — the St. Lawrence tributaries between Lake Ontario and Quebec — open .
23 Even from the shore I could tell that it had half strangled itself in a length of fishing line ; it was also hooked up in several places and carrying some heavy land weights .
24 I did n't realise that it had run out . ’
25 He says that he 'd heard the plane flying around , but did n't realise that it had crashed , until the police sealed off the farm .
26 He says that he 'd heard the plane flying around , but did n't realise that it had crashed , until the police sealed off the farm .
27 May we not reasonably suppose that it had migrated from the central regions of this vast continent , which has yet much in store for future discovery ?
28 He would n't notice that it had gone .
29 And eventually you 'd notice that it had petals around the horizon .
30 If he could prove that it had too much give in it he would at least have a line of defence if he was summoned to court .
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