Example sentences of "[vb infin] that in [det] " in BNC.

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1 He points out first that those who are aware of the finer points of history will know that in former days ( or " the earliest days ' : the meticulous ulema were authorized to give fetvas individually according to the requirement of a particular time .
2 They looked as if they had been arranged by some cleaner who had been sent in to tidy up and who did not know that in this room Ernest Jarvis had hanged himself .
3 erm I think really what erm what should happen is that erm you , with your manager , ought to look at the the erm to establish and agreed job description and in addition to the notes that are are are there erm I have some sample job descriptions from other parts of the Press which have been completed as a framework job and erm we can discuss that in any kind of detail you want .
4 I do n't think that in all the time I 'd known Jessica , I 'd ever seen her cry .
5 Do you think that in all schools the head always looked at all the reports ?
6 I do not think that in either case there has been any failure in interpretation of the ideas proposed , but rather that accommodation has been too readily accorded .
7 This is what has made some people think that in this work the distinction between good and bad is simply arbitrary , residing not in the nature of the characters but in the needs of the plot .
8 Since I mention native speakers ' feelings in this connection , and since I am elsewhere rather sceptical about appeals to native speakers ' feelings , I had better explain that in this case my evidence comes from the native speakers of English I have taught in practical classes on transcription over many years .
9 3.5 You will ensure that in all respects ( except by way of design or specification where we have supplied the same ) the goods and/or the work comply with all relevant requirements of any statute , statutory rule or order , or other instrument having the force of law , which may be in force when the goods are delivered and/or the work performed as the case may be .
10 With this foundation , a commitment to deliver to our clients a top quality and responsive service , and your continued dedication , we will ensure that in these tough times Wimpol once again succeeds where the competition fails .
11 Will the Attorney-General confirm that in many of the war crimes cases now under investigation in this country the issue of identity does not arise ?
12 It would also appear that in some areas the rougher element ganged up against Boy Scout troops in the early years of the movement , throwing stones at them and mocking their uniform of floppy hats and silly short pants .
13 It would appear that in this moral stance they were backed by public opinion .
14 A considerable amount of freedom — I do n't think anybody would dispute that — but you are actually using public resources , you 're using erm highly expensive equipment , do you really not feel that in that situation some measure of at least financial control is essential ?
15 Doctors may feel that in many cases surgery is not clinically indicated .
16 We may expect that in any event the common law principles of compulsion , and indeed of mistake , will continue to develop in the future .
17 Because people seem either to write or commission reports at the slightest excuse you must assume that in most cases a formal , written report is not in fact wanted .
18 The lesson seems to be that a plaintiff has a better chance of attacking the exercise of ministerial power if he can show that in some general way , especially procedural and not substantive , the minister has not played the game according to the newly enlarged rules of natural justice .
19 Like the hon. Gentleman , I must acknowledge that in such a wide-ranging debate I will not have time to deal with many of the points raised .
20 It may be comforting if you can acknowledge that in any moment you make the best choices you are able to in the situations in which you find yourself .
21 We should nonetheless acknowledge that in some parts of the country family care is extensive and durable .
22 Another area of apparent convergence is that both schools of thought would acknowledge that in some situations parental care is so bad that children should be removed and kept away from their parents .
23 And , from my experience , I can only believe that in some measure , the courts are guilty of supporting the police in this attitude , for the sake of maintaining a status quo .
24 In conclusion , one must remember that in all cases of contributory negligence the burden of proof lies on the party alleging it .
25 As the transcript of the judgment reveals , the Crown of Appeal was of the view that even if the appellant 's assertion of a right to be informed of the solicitor 's calls had been upheld , it does not follow that in all the circumstances of the case fairness would have required that the confession should have been excluded under section 78 .
26 ‘ Nevertheless , the converse does not follow that in this type of action the court in granting an interim injunction ought always to require an undertaking as to damages from the Crown .
27 did you see that in that
28 Well you 'll see that in that apology Milton appears to be conscious of the very point that I am trying to make , that is to say it might be considered out of place in this prose work to speak of myself in direct factual terms , although a poet — a poet intending to write of things unattempted yet in prose or rhyme — a poet soaring in the high region of his fancies , with his garland and singing robes about him , in other words where we ca n't or are n't really invited to make out his individual identity very clearly because it is his role as poet that concerns us , there he clearly feels it would be proper .
29 Later , we shall see that in all the new churches that are being planted we can see some common features , or vital signs : the priority of worship , of covenant relationships , of evangelism and of training .
30 I can see that in such a case they might make a gift of paintings or other works of art for tax reasons , for example , and would n't care if they were sold or not .
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