Example sentences of "[vb infin] it [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Erm th that 's the main er so overall you had a net gain in fact to erm U S profits er Camco erm I think less than that erm Camco 's profits to were spread fairly broadly geographically er as you do know it does operate as you do rightly point out erm pretty much everywhere else and it 's erm featured both in South America and Asia 's decline and Africa , but not in Europe .
2 The owner did n't even know it had gone . ’
3 I did n't know it had happened !
4 No one else was sure if they agreed , but they did know it had taken him nearly half an hour to get through , and the conversation had been brief .
5 The daft old bat probably wo n't know it 's gone for days .
6 do you know it 's gone .
7 You have n't , right well go and do yours then , then we 'll know it 's done .
8 So you get long beep , short beep , long beep , short beep , that 's the successful switching tone , you 'll know it 's worked , and you go trotting back to your office , you get 75 seconds again , it 's like the hold , before it starts to ring , or you can access it by keying in what ?
9 well if we hear , if we hear a terrible scream one weekend , we 'll know it 's happened
10 But if you do n't need it get rid of it .
11 Well , not too bad really , it 's erm I can only describe it has having erm a huge hangover , which erm which I 'm used to anyway , so erm you know I 'm obviously a bit disappointed with the way things went , but erm you know that 's party of Rugby .
12 But if it was as clever and efficient as we in the West say it is , then one might expect it to have achieved much more .
13 One should not expect it to have operated in a unified or uniform manner .
14 If the ‘ emancipation ’ of women has yet to run its full course , there should be limits to the extent one would expect it to have influenced demographic trends .
15 Antony Santos , 27 , said : ‘ Some nights I feel a cold presence and can feel it trying to smother me . ’
16 Just out on video , the even worse Ghosts Ca n't Do It tries to resurrect Bo Derek 's career .
17 You do n't mind it stewed do you ?
18 Trafalgar resisted restating the accounts since it did not believe it had done anything wrong .
19 ‘ I could n't believe it had happened again . ’
20 Many people — editors audible among them — still can not believe it has stopped .
21 Well you 've got ta admit , it does look it does look like one of them sort of things !
22 Furthermore the period of intense pollution at the beginning of the mining was now barred by statute from legal suit and also the company could claim it had provided compensation then which was accepted .
23 It had certainly been built to last , and although we could see it had lost a lot of windows and the stonework was damaged , it was obviously going to be standing there a few more years yet .
24 Must remember that phrase : he could see it had struck and it struck him too : he paused to give it the silent applause of a mute punctuation .
25 . Yeah that 's the only way I can see it trying to use those and have them back on Friday . .
26 any way I 'd sooner see it wants to get
27 must be when I looked at it they 'd been grown in the field , because it 's burnt , you can see it 's got this reddish muck where all the mud down
28 I can see , I can see it 's got a record button .
29 Erm , if you look at this you can see it 's set out first of all in escalating premiums and level premiums , O K , that 's straightforward enough .
30 you can just see it 's left
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