Example sentences of "[vb infin] i that [art] " in BNC.

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1 I can not truthfully say that my work experience directly influenced my ambitions career wise but it did show me that the music business is not about ‘ Top of the Pops ’ but about a day 's work to be proud of .
2 You wo n't convince me that the answer to that is necessary for your enquiry .
3 BELVILLE : If you can convince me that the hated parson has had no encouragement from you I will offer you the following proposals .
4 You pass the chosen card and then finger another as if you feel it is going to be the right one and then say ‘ How much do you bet me that the next card I turn over is the chosen one ? ’
5 Can he assure me that the woodlands sold off by the commission will be accessible to all walkers , especially as after the next election a lot of Scottish Labour Members will have a lot of time to do a lot of walking ?
6 Will he please assure me that the story in The Sunday Telegraph yesterday about considering yet another line is untrue ?
7 IT does n't surprise me that a survey showed very few Britons would give up their pet for £1m .
8 ‘ Although I have not seen the report , it does not surprise me that the Rover Group was sold for a song .
9 It did n't surprise me that the other four male English writers who had been invited had changed their minds and stayed away .
10 It does not surprise me that the Minister does not want to know the facts .
11 ‘ It does annoy me that the fact that we make it funny somehow demeans the play . ’
12 On another occasion David Bellamy said to me ‘ You ca n't tell me that a canoe would not disturb an otter ’ .
13 Please do not tell me that the object of professional boxing is to accumulate points by touching parts of the opponent 's head .
14 Ellen would doubtless tell me that the senator was trying to turn an electoral liability into an advantage , meaning that if he could parade his cured children in front of the electorate he could then pose as both a noble parent and as an expert on drugs , but I preferred to ignore that imagined cynicism , choosing a different reservation .
15 I know Maria did not tell me that the food was often burnt and uneatable , or that they could not sleep because the beds were too cold .
16 She did not tell me that the poor hungry children had to wash with ice in the morning , and walk through wet snow to sit for two hours with icy feet in a cold church on Sundays .
17 You will tell me that the milkman has refused to continue deliveries , but this only adds weight to my earlier submission that the boat is not only unfit to live in but actually unsafe . "
18 There 's nobody , nobody can tell me that the big national companies who pour money into the Tory fund , that they do n't have a say in their policy .
19 But Mo do n't snow me that the Company did n't see all that and start a Track Two behind the comeback of Winter Garden ’
20 It does not escape me that a fair hand has already written some account of my early days ; but that account broke off too soon , for I returned from the realms of ice , to which solitudes my soul — if I may be presumed to have one — was attracted .
21 No one can persuade me that the 3,000 licensees who went to Blackpool to take part in a protest march during the week of the Conservative conference are all mindless militants .
22 Afterwards he complained bitterly to other government officers of the uselessness of such a DPR , and on being told of my background , retorted angrily , ‘ Why did n't somebody warn me that the man was a bloody missionary ? ’
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