Example sentences of "[vb infin] and [verb] [indef pn] " in BNC.

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1 Growing up seeing nothing but these truly ghastly buildings , never using anything that is n't made of shoddy material , how could such children become people who would recognise and choose anything that 's beautiful ?
2 ‘ And I tell you frankly that in my opinion one must not hesitate to go to a prostitute occasionally if there is one you can trust and feel something for … .
3 Better to surrender quietly to that hell of pain , to slide into it , to crumble and fold like burning straw , to merge and coalesce and become one with it , until , phoenix-like , she floated away on the other side , whole and free .
4 Hence , dilating the nostrils may indicate anxiety , but may also indicate great interest in another horse , or , more simply , the nostrils may be dilated so that the horse can smell and learn something more of its environment .
5 The cluster erm I was always very aware of this bit so it made me you know aware that there are things you can do and watching everybody just seemed just the answer inside you .
6 Even if you do cheat and eat something you should n't , it does n't mean that you have failed on the Inch Loss Plan .
7 I can offer an account of what the minimum level to be attained at 16 by 80%-90% of pupils would entail in a few areas of the curriculum … ; in English , pupils would need to demonstrate that they are attentive listeners and confident speakers when dealing with everyday matters of which they have experience , that they can read straightforward written information and pass it on — orally and in written form — without loss of meaning and that they can say clearly what their own views are ; in Mathematics , that they can apply the topics and skills in the foundation list proposed in the Cockcroft Report ; in Science , that they are willing and able to take a practical approach to problems , involving sensible observations and appropriate measurements and can communicate their findings effectively … ; in History , that they possess some historical knowledge and perspective , understand the concepts of cause and consequence , and can compare and extract information from historical evidence and be aware of its limitations ; and in CDT [ craft , design and technology ] , that they can design and make something , using a limited range of materials and calling on a restricted range of concepts and give an account of what they have done and the problems they encountered .
8 You 've no idea the miners and , and people that came out onto the road and had nowhere to go or stay and had nothing .
9 Or you can stay and experience something new , something unknown to science .
10 She 'd just laugh and say summat like that .
11 Wayne , Ricky 's favourite pony , had such a low threshold of boredom that he had a special manger hooked over the half-door so he could eat and miss nothing in the yard at the same time .
12 After long and entertaining research ( that 's hours sitting watching the story unfold and telling everyone that this really was work ) I can divulge that Johnny has a long-distance girlfriend , fishes an awful lot , is taken water-skiing by sharks , enjoys parties on passing cruisers , is invaded by ancient midget pirates , and is a very clean living , regular bathing type of guy .
13 These people may need to get married — trapped — to prove that they can get out , that divorce is not impossible , to discover that they can influence and do something about the situation .
14 The parlous state of England enters the poem , in fact , in a direct way : " Dust in the air suspended/Marks the place where a story ended , " was an evocation of the debris which hung in the air after a bombing , and then " would slowly descend and cover one 's sleeves and coat with fine white ash " .
15 ‘ Then let the game run and say nothing , but tell Sandy to make sure those two do n't get another booking . ’
16 ‘ The only hope is that a new party will emerge and change everything , ’ says a typically frustrated businessman .
17 Well if you want to just ring and ask someone to bring them .
18 It would be exciting to belong to a man like Roman ; he would be no gentle lover … he would demand and give everything .
19 Do n't try and answer something you do not understand in the hope that you can work it out as you go along .
20 In fact , I was thinking I might try and start something along those lines as soon as I can .
21 ‘ We just could n't find a lot of music we liked when we started so we just thought ‘ let's try and make something we like , ’ ’ says Ed .
22 ‘ But there were three or four incidents off the ball , and I should have known it was me they would try and pin something on .
23 Alright , I 'll try and sort something out tomorrow .
24 Right , let's try and talk one at a time now .
25 So when you actually come to erm , try and influence somebody , you you 're actual behaviour in there is based on sound er preparation , sound positive thoughts .
26 I think they should try and do something more positive to curb that sort of thing . ’
27 Erm We thought we should try and do something as a kaleidoscope .
28 These people want something satisfying , so you will try and do something about it wo n't you ?
29 These people want something satisfying , so you will try and do something about it wo n't you ?
30 I 'll try and get one .
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