Example sentences of "[vb infin] her to the " in BNC.

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1 might tempt her to the wrong thoughts .
2 We usually manage to provide every new member or new mum with a contact who can introduce her to the NCT and chat over any everyday difficulties .
3 In the meantime , while your kitten is polishing her hunting skills by stalking your feet , you can introduce her to the civilised way to eat .
4 Now why do n't you introduce her to the office routine — and perhaps show her the chalets ? ’
5 She would n't trust her to the end of the street .
6 I suppose they might try and sellotape her to the walls of their cells .
7 Her bedside book , often reread , was Anthony Trollope 's The Small House at Allington but tonight it could no longer translate her to the reassuring , comfortable , nostalgic world of Barsetshire , to croquet on Mrs Dale 's lawn and dinner at the squire 's table .
8 Faintly disappointed , she emptied her lungs and resumed the walk which would bring her to the main gate .
9 She imagined that to walk that track , and to climb the rough hewn rock around the mouth of the cave , would bring her to the top of the canyon .
10 It protested at once , so she let him carry her to the living-room .
11 Now , though , she was sitting in the dressing-room , not even sure if she could persuade her legs to stand up and carry her to the stage .
12 Or if this is the whim of some trouble-stirring witch , you must beat her to the ground and punish her .
13 Not that any amount of designer labels would or could reconcile her to the prospect of meeting Antoinette again .
14 It 's all part of the drive that she believes , will take her to the top of her forthcoming profession and to that end , she is not prepared to put a time limit on her arrival .
15 In the afternoons , she must always be home at 4.30 — so that the carer can take her to the lavatory before leaving for the day .
16 As she walked up Tullis Street , Templeton 's came into view , and she headed for the entrance that would take her to the offices where she d been told to report .
17 We had better take her to the mortuary , before the daily hordes come pouring in . ’
18 Sometimes on Sundays he would take her to the fields where he had been helping with the harvest , to see the rabbits , or a nest of mice .
19 ‘ The most foolish thing I ever did was take her to the Foundling .
20 ‘ I 'll just take her to the ladies ’ . '
21 ‘ Why did n't anyone take her to the veterinary hospital ?
22 When she was older he would take her to the theatre , he had promised ; but not at present .
23 ‘ What if , ’ said Alistair , ‘ what if there 's somebody passing who can take her to the hospital ? ’
24 We 'll take her to the hospital . ’ ’
25 She would n't let him take her to the Aber House Hotel .
26 He said to her , Dr Wyn said to Elizabeth , that he would take her to the Fair .
27 They mention a situation where a man threatens a woman that he will never take her to the pictures again .
28 With a timid child , you can take her to the mum-and-toddler group , but you ca n't make her play .
29 Walking up three steps , she was soon in the foyer of the block of apartments she 'd set out to find , and pressing the button in the lift which would take her to the top floor .
30 Exploring that path would take her to the edge of a precipice over which she did not wish to step .
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