Example sentences of "[vb infin] her [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I am sure you will win her over with patience , but it might take weeks rather than hours or days .
2 What , Mo asked , would tempt her back to the polling booths ?
3 She lets me furl her around for a while , and makes those shammy gasps she knows I like , and gives detailed promise of all that cocked and candid talent — before she calls a halt , slithers off the bed , corrects her clothing , brushes her hair , changes her shoes , powders her nose , slides my Johnson out of her mouth and insists on lunch .
4 They 'd pack her back to England .
5 If he could break her out of it , she 'd be all right .
6 She had been listless for some time and the woman could only hope that moving her right away from the influence of the people she went around with into these beautiful surroundings might bring her back to herself .
7 As soon as any woman gets a bit uppity , or any two or more women or young women want to spend time together , or even if we just plain disagree with the men or boys , the ultimate sanction can be applied : call her a lesbian — that will soon bring her back into line .
8 ‘ I 'll make sure that I 'll bring her back in one piece , ’ André was saying , but Piers had turned away and gave no indication of having heard what was being said to him .
9 ‘ They 'll bring her down to Florence in that case ? ’
10 This was the first time in her life that she 'd been in the company of a man who could bring her out in nervous flushes , make her heartbeat race and her stomach turn all watery , just by watching her …
11 She had no idea that any man could ever bring her out in goose-bumps , but this one had .
12 In the end she saw the giant fish-hooks come down down into her and she thought they would haul her out of the depths , but they did not .
13 ‘ We must carry her up to the sick-room . ’
14 If she could not get out the train would carry her on to the next station , to London Bridge , it would carry her on under the river .
15 If she could not get out the train would carry her on to the next station , to London Bridge , it would carry her on under the river .
16 I had n't seen them carry her in from the car so it was a terrible shock for me .
17 He seemed to think he could carry her off like this , and get away with it .
18 Why did you send her up to me ? ’ he asked .
19 Those previous kisses had had meaning after all , and now he had only to utter those three little words that would send her up into the clouds .
20 Both of them realised that he had abandoned all pretence that Sally-Anne was an ordinary young woman come to work in Vetch Street , but neither of them pursued the matter , Dr Neil from delicacy , and Sally-Anne because she could not tell him the real truth about herself — he would undoubtedly immediately send her back to the embassy , and she did not want that at all — it would be failure .
21 ‘ I 'll send her down to you , ’ Sister Cooney laughed .
22 I can hardly send her out for sandwiches , and from the way Victor was talking this could be our last proper meal together .
23 We 'll send her out with a list then .
24 Rab said , ‘ I 'll send her out tae the chemist . ’
25 ‘ That person is here again , Miss Grenfell , she says she has slippers for you , shall I show her in for the fitting ? ’
26 But the bottle helped then , helped dull the pain , helped quell the shivering , helped ease her back into a dreamless sleep .
27 Neither spoke and Julia understood that David 's mother was on the very brink of breaking down ; any little thing might tip her over into outright despair .
28 It occurred to her that he could tip her out of the window without any effort at all , and she shrank back .
29 If you will give me half your treasure I will fetch her back for you . "
30 Suddenly , he was gathering her against him , as though he would lift her up into his arms and carry her off .
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