Example sentences of "[vb infin] me into [art] " in BNC.

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1 Lucky for me that I got out before you could entice me into the ultimate folly of going to bed with you . ’
2 Afterwards , when I continued to sob as children do , she would order me to stop or she would ‘ stomp me into the ground ’ .
3 ‘ It 's what I 've wanted to do for a long time , so long that I ca n't remember a time when the name Tony Radcliffe did n't send me into a violent rage ! ’
4 That evening Leon did n't follow me into the morning room to sit in the armchair opposite mine , slipped deep into it , his elbows on the arms , fingers linked in front of his face .
5 I thought he would slide me into the strait-jacket right away .
6 One mistake would spill me into the maelstrom on my right .
7 " Then you 'll take me into the organization ? "
8 But do n't change me into a wolf tonight .
9 ‘ Why do n't you change me into a wolf ?
10 ‘ So you really did change me into a wolf , Mr Bilsiter ? ’ cried Mrs Hampton .
11 What cruel irony it will be if my own uncompromising and innovatory integrity should lead me into the mantraps set by the sort of people who scarcely know one end of a pen from another .
12 The best I could do would be to say ‘ I like peaches better ’ , but quite apart from the logical objection to deriving ‘ Choose the peach ’ from this psychological statement , reliance on a generalization about my preference could get me into a habit which would dim my awareness of the tastes , until I fail to notice that I no longer like peaches as much as I did , or that at this moment I hanker after a pear , so that the abortive try at rationalization would make my choice less intelligent .
13 If you can just get me into the house without your mother seeing … ’
14 ‘ He wo n't let me into the house . ’
15 ‘ They wo n't even let me into the building . ’
16 I certainly do n't have to let him take advantage of it or let him bludgeon me into a marriage that would be power-based and intolerable .
17 Later he asked , at second-hand , if he could accompany me into the Danakil country , where I planned to travel .
18 After they 've scalded my ears with their abuse for a few weeks , and paraded my wreckage before the assembled ranks as an edifying example of what not to do and how not to do it , they will probably just turn me into a stone gargoyle on the roof of some Gothic cathedral .
19 I ca n't let you push me into a corner ! ’
20 ‘ You will not coax me into an indiscretion , so save your breath . ’
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