Example sentences of "[vb infin] me and [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You do n't want me and you do n't need me .
2 They said if we did n't consent for him to claim for the two of us , they 'd summons me and him for aiding and abetting .
3 You know , this is how it was first and I only come across that but , how it went , they felt I was genuine I suppose and they could trust me and they left it as it was and I had me own building .
4 You do n't trust me and you newer have .
5 You do n't trust me and I do n't trust you .
6 If I succeed , you will still be Shah , If I fail , you can hang me and you will still be Shah . "
7 for example , if you were sacked you can be prepared , not with a feeble-sounding excuse , ‘ The office manager and I did n't hit it off , he was a very difficult man ’ , but with a positive statement , ‘ Yes , the job did n't suit me and I was asked to leave but I was lucky enough to get a place on a word-processing course so I was much better prepared for my next job and I stayed for two years ’ .
8 They 'll catch me and you 'll be in trouble . ’
9 by the time I had gone through five operations I decided that as long as I could breath , that would do me and I , I would really recommend every body to think twice before having any form of plastic surgery , particularly unless its , if its not absolutely necessary .
10 Now you will amuse me and I shall be well at once .
11 Erm because you can come and see me and we 'll we we can talk about it a bit because I actually have got some thoughts .
12 ‘ I can see me and him having it to go one of these days . ’
13 But it hit me one day , he did n't care or he would have made that effort to come and see me and he did n't .
14 Not every one of you can see me and I do not see each of you .
15 about this you are wasting your time , er then hopefully you if you are having a problem to come and see me and I can tell you if it is a problem or whether it 's not , it 's not particularly a problem , so you know , come along and see me
16 And he 's into heavy metal and and we , we both seem to have things in common like and she do does n't like me and she does n't erm you know , she seems the same with me as as she is with John .
17 ‘ You wo n't listen , you wo n't believe me and you 're too darned sure of yourself to consider you might be wrong .
18 For you alone can understand me and you alone can inspire me .
19 I 'll give you my phone number and perhaps you will ring me and we can make an appointment to see the builder . "
20 ‘ I do n't want to pry into your affairs , but you did ring me and you ca n't just say you 're going away and leave it at that . ’
21 Nothing could daunt me and I talked to everyone with the same message : ‘ Cancer was absolutely great because it put you in touch with yourself and the world . ’
22 You could always say , oh well er they did n't stop me and you claim about half a million hey that 's not bad drop something on your foot and say
23 town I shall go around there , you can drop me and I 'll make an appointment there while we 're there .
24 But by God , ’ he added grimly , ‘ let one of them approach me and I 'll take the pitchfork to them ! ’
25 ‘ He may not be your favourite person at the moment , but Adam did invite me and it is his home that I would be wandering about in . ’
26 ‘ I remember when I was at college men would phone me and I would n't have any idea who they were .
27 And I walked out and then she did n't call me and I did n't call her and that was it .
28 ‘ She did n't tell me and I did n't ask . ’
29 Never mind , you 'll only tell me and I do n't want to know .
30 you know plenty of other little girls that would want to look after him , and I said it 's no good relying on Vicky because she , the little sister , she 's nine , she was too young to do things by herself , you know , I said there 's no way you can let , leave it all to Vicky , so that if you do n't want him any more you must tell me and I said there 'll be no hard feelings but that 's it , cos he comes first at the end of the day , so she said oh I , oh I have been naughty have you been ?
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