Example sentences of "[vb infin] me [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ And you know very well that once you are gone Miss Araminta will throw me out of the house . ’
2 Those new-age prats think they can flush me out with a bit of colonic irrigation .
3 You do n't want me back in Scotland , do you ?
4 Do n't try and make me out to be some kind of embittered nut compensating for an unsatisfactory sex-life . ’
5 There was sense in which , it was n't really in Pilate 's hands , because Jesus had said to him , if I wanted I would speak to my father , he would send ten legions of angels and they would deliver me out of your hands , Pilate , you have no power over me .
6 And dad could knock me off on the way to get the papers .
7 Francis has aggravated an old groin problem in training , and said : ‘ You can count me out for the next two weeks . ’
8 Her marrying Dad did n't screw me up like the other two .
9 For a few days I had even considered calling the shop Trumper and Salmon , but dropped that idea when I realised that would only tie me in with Charlie for life .
10 But if I can leave it running and it runs out it will suit me down to the ground .
11 The bus would catch me up about halfway . ’
12 ‘ He 'd track me down through the credit cards I use , ’ she said .
13 If Father were to hear them he 'd whip me out of that place much quicker than he pushed me in , I can tell you .
14 The conductor would send me round to the front with my fishing box , the driver would send me back to the conductor 's end and so it went on .
15 To be sure you are Lucifer himself in the shape of my master or you could not use me thus , and I beg you 'll send me out of my way to my poor parents .
16 Would Mills Roberts wish to retain my services as the Brigade Piper or would he send me back to Achnacarry ?
17 Do not send me back to Hanoi empty handed . ’
18 But they took me away after that awful morning and did n't send me back to Byron House for another year and a half .
19 The conductor would send me round to the front with my fishing box , the driver would send me back to the conductor 's end and so it went on .
20 Then they ( the police ) would lock me up for a couple of hours at a time but I did n't get charged until I was 15 . ’
21 Sort my love life with Rocky out , we 've had a bit of a tiff at the moment , as a result I 've had to drop him from the squad completely and he 'll probably go and join the scum where he 'll show me up like that poncy french bugger who used to play here .
22 If I pulled out he would probably do me over for being a chicken , but if I competed and beat him ( unlikely but not impossible ) … well , I might as well have booked my hospital bed then and there .
23 ‘ That would do me out of a job .
24 I did n't consider the possibility of turning back to the runway behind me , but at the time I thought that a very low-level circuit to the left would bring me round for a landing on an adjacent runway .
25 Now that does bring me on to another important issue , and this is the definition of integrated er and balanced community .
26 I feel I am at last in the hands of someone who will bring me back to health , to life .
27 I feel I shall at last be in the hands of someone who will bring me back to health , to life .
28 Also about to go on a journey of self-discovery which must bring me back to my beginnings .
29 A shop assistant promised me that a head torch would ‘ bring me down off the mountain after dark ’ .
30 Could you just lift me up above your shoulder and kind of swivel me round a bit ? ’
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