Example sentences of "[vb infin] me [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Okay , my mum 'd probably buy me one for my birthday but that would be about it .
2 But if you do buy me something with style !
3 ‘ Actually , that was the first thing that made somebody show me something about Manson , when I was wondering who Jack Benny 's neighbours might have been .
4 ‘ She did n't bring me anything of outstanding urgency , ’ he said .
5 Anyway , she said she 'd give me something about it on Sunday at NA [ the Narcotics Anonymous Group which meets weekly at Styal ] .
6 I asked if they could give me something for the pain .
7 Ca n't you give me something for head ?
8 The second house finished at ten so that would give me plenty of time to get home before my parents .
9 Other people may keep talking at you as a means of reinforcing their relationship to you : ‘ I matter to you , so you must give me plenty of airtime . ’
10 ‘ She 'll give me plenty of warning . ’
11 And nobody 's gon na give me nothing for that are they ?
12 I wonder if they 'll give me one on my back while I 'm there ?
13 ‘ And I know you could give me lots of good advice on how to make a success of it .
14 I just ca n't stand it at times , but they ca n't give me anything for it .
15 My clever chat would avail me nothing in the face of the fact that I had chosen to ally myself with a woman who practically peed her pants at some salesman 's blue jokes .
16 Little did I know how right he was because the first thing that happened when David 's mother had a bad day , she would call me everything under the sun .
17 ‘ They could n't call me anything like Mary — oh , no — they had to be original , and I have to pay the price . ’
18 Please could you tell me something about this fish , such as how large will it get , so that I can prepare for rehousing it ?
19 Can you tell me something about them ?
20 Can you tell me something about , can you describe the house where you lived ?
21 Erm can you tell me something about the temple in that area in Caldmore , its role in the community , briefly perhaps .
22 ‘ Perhaps you will tell me something about last night , how you spent the evening , whether you noticed anything unusual .
23 Can you tell me something about Mina ! -just talk about her .
24 Can , can you can you tell me something about the Llandudno area during that time .
25 Can you tell me something about it ?
26 Can you tell me something about the crowd itself , erm did particular age groups tend to stand together around the ground or were the young
27 I wonder if you could tell me something about this .
28 Can you tell me what on earth is going on ?
29 Could you tell me anything about Foster ; where he lived and the dates he worked ?
30 Could you tell me anything about this vehicle ?
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