Example sentences of "[vb infin] in because [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Now a bad habit that I got into , right , a customer will be talking to me and I do n't know if you 've noticed it , I wo n't let them finish what they 're saying , I 'll jump in because I 'll know what they 're asking me
2 But do n't just jump in because you feel you 've got to .
3 We did n't see the ball go in because we were on the 9th tee , but we heard hell of a din behind and Tom said , ‘ Some guy must have holed out . ’
4 I turned right and walked up to a crossroads where two shops and a bar were open ; I could n't go in because I had no money , so I continued up the road .
5 And I would n't even go in because I do n't think my dad 's making me go in except she kept me , and all behind because we did n't do our homework and she said right see me tomorrow ,
6 The concert was a sell out , but younger fans , some with their parents , were disappointed to find they could n't get in because they were under sixteen .
7 And more of those will come in because it 's far better to prevent er not only nitrates but pesticides or anything else which is applied to land , getting into water .
8 ‘ I did n't come in because it was science and I do n't like it . ’
9 A very authoritative voice shouted : " Joe , I must come in because I am looking for a wing commander .
10 It 's unlikely that the guy can even come in because he 's partner 's away for two to three weeks holiday
11 She was really odd , she showed me the way but she kept saying she would n't come in because she was n't allowed to set foot in there . ’
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