Example sentences of "[vb infin] them [to-vb] the " in BNC.

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1 Make them work — if you do n't want them to spend the day , and your money , sitting with their feet up . ’
2 When it comes to cutting finishing panels above or to the side of your frame to fill any gaps , you will want them to follow the line of the wall or ceiling exactly , however uneven that might be .
3 The only problem is that it can be terribly difficult to read — and you do want them to read the copy do n't you ?
4 I do n't want them to suffer the fate of appearing in an auction catalogue and having the state of their fur criticised .
5 I do n't want them to pull the building down anyway .
6 Then you can paint or cover them to match the colour of the flowers you 're going to put in them .
7 Callaghan seemed to be implying that it was not enough to offer young people a broad liberal curriculum in school , if such a curriculum did not prepare them to face the unthinking anonymity of the factory production line .
8 You can buy them to do the lattice somebody told me .
9 Can you trust them to tell the truth about where they 're going ?
10 The judge , Mr Justice Humphrey Potts , told the jury he will direct them to acquit the man of rape and administering poison with intent to endanger life following submissions by the defence .
11 Police are appealing for anyone who can assist them to contact the Pollok police station .
12 Can we really expect them to retain the same way of thinking as they had as penniless hopefuls , and if they did would n't that simply be an insipid patronisations ?
13 If , as my hon. Friend suggests , there is cheaper electricity to be obtained from coal-fired power stations than from gas-fired power stations , I would expect them to use the electricity from coal-fired stations , in accordance with their licence obligations .
14 Here again , do n't expect them to take the boots back if they 've been marked or worn outside .
15 ‘ I would expect them to do the honourable thing and give me my job back . ’
16 The pension was a voluntary gratuitous payment ant the words ’ except in the wool trade ’ were merely an intimation to Mr Wyatt that if he did enter the wool trade he must not expect them to continue the pension .
17 You would n't expect them to forecast the same price all the years , right .
18 I did n't expect them to eat the blue-green stuff — have you smelled it ? but I have a suspicion that it gets a toehold on spots where other algae are already in residence .
19 Mark an ‘ E ’ to indicate those issues which you think demand equal involvement and use your partner 's initials to indicate areas where you would expect them to have the major input .
20 If enzyme deficiencies are at the root of the problem in chemical-sensitive patients then one might expect them to show the same sort of reaction to small amounts of a chemical as normal people show to large amounts of that chemical .
21 All you then have to do is edit them to reflect the configurations you want to use .
22 ( c ) Can you re-phrase them to make the points clear ?
23 ‘ We have always tried to co-operate with other clubs when they have wanted to switch games and would like them to do the same for us . ’
24 The French lawyers are waiting there now , and I 'd like them to hear the C.O. actually make the charge . ’
25 ‘ If anybody knows anything about what might have happened to her I would beg them to contact the police and tell them anything that might help . ’
26 Unlike most Ghosts , these have spellcasting abilities and will use them to stop the adventurers heading south .
27 One of the nicest and most original features of the game is that while Doodle can take out the enemy by simply throwing his pencils , he can also use them to draw the bonuses or weapons he needs .
28 The governor had other officials whose posts entitled them to sit in his executive council , but although they might have looked like potential ministers the legislative assemblies could not use them to control the governor and , as the governor had no automatic right to dismiss his councillors , he could not use them as his ministers either .
29 Responsible officials should use them to serve the public interest .
30 Admittedly the computer did use them to calculate the appropriate genetic formula for every point on the picture .
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