Example sentences of "[vb infin] out [prep] some " in BNC.

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1 Take breakfast at the Hotel Eliseo and you can look out over some really magnificent summer views , out across the sunny Villa Borghese gardens — a lush and picturesque refuge in the midst of the city .
2 Through it you can look out on some trees .
3 Let's look out for some on the way . ’
4 Course I immediately darted back in the house and told me dad and well , and er he says er , you can look out for some trouble then now like , you know and er , nothing happened .
5 I 'll er look out for some tubes , for you .
6 I 'd rather taken against this woman — she was frightfully solid and know-it-all and not funny , you know — and to be difficult I asked her how she knew this , thinking that she would quote out of some boring manual or other .
7 It 's attractive , and it 's better , but Borland did miss out on some obvious improvements .
8 That was plainly my bent and that I would do well to follow up this line of art rather than branch out into some other road of work .
9 He could of course simply walk out on some pretext — visiting a friend .
10 I am not saying that one might not come out with some new and splendid solution which was neither culling nor letting the environment go to pieces .
11 Whereas at the time it was a thin old wicket — you know , ‘ Madness are a bit thick and they do come out with some bollocks sometimes , so I do n't know if I can throw my weight behind them ’ . ’
12 She hummed to herself when she was working and should you pass her when she was on her knees polishing the floor , or slapping dough on the board — she made bread for them all — she would come out with some remark that would either cause you to make a retort in similar vein or have you burst out laughing .
13 But some of you will come out with some lovely ideas and they always do all you know .
14 They may lose out on some limited upside but will also avoid exposure to the considerable risk of the US negotiations breaking down .
15 But the headlining act — a quartet splicing the former Miles Davis guitarist John Scofield with the British saxophonist Andy Sheppard — struck fireworks that went a long way towards helping the audience breathe out after some dodgy moments during the presentations .
16 So farmers increasingly object to visitors ‘ roaming all over ’ their land and will point out with some vehemence that they would not be allowed , nor even expect to be allowed , the same licence to wander around urban factories .
17 Householders who catch burglars in the act may get a bit rough and individual policemen may strike out in some after-hours pub rough-house .
18 Well I mean you could do a bit of both , I do n't see why you ca n't sort of start out with some general stuff about whether
19 She was glad to reach the door of the Seven Stars where she could rest the bag , though she was screwed up with fear that Garty might pop out of some alley , or Samson erupt like a volcano from the bowels of the tavern .
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