Example sentences of "[vb infin] can [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 There may not be many opportunities to aviate in winter , but those that do appear can provide the best flying of the year — light winds , excellent power and density altitude conditions and a razor sharp horizon .
2 Nothing that they can do can alter the fact that they are our responsibility .
3 Sentencing Clarke to 21 months in prison and a 3 year driving ban , Judge Francis Allen said , ’ nothing this court can do can remedy the harm that you caused by your decision to drive that day .
4 Judge Allen told Clarke : ‘ Nothing this court can do can remedy the harm caused by your decision to drive on that day . ’
5 The Profitboss will resign if he is instructed to recruit someone he does n't believe can do the job .
6 If , contrary to this sworn determination , the defence of justification is not proceeded with when the matter comes to trial , his conduct in recklessly signalling a defence which does not materialise can inflate the damages alarmingly .
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