Example sentences of "[vb infin] what [pron] will " in BNC.

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1 The fountains in the Piazza Navona , and then the Fontana di Trevi , and the Campo de ’ Fiori where we can buy what we 'll need for our picnic — ’
2 I do n't know what we 'll do — stay together or split up . ’
3 I do n't know what we 'll find in the mountains , but I know there are answers there . ’
4 Would be a , be quite a few calls , but we 'll just maybe have to try and I do n't know what we 'll do .
5 ‘ I just do n't know what we 'll do .
6 Yes , I spoke to Mo Magill , he 'll see us tomorrow morning , we 'll fly up on the shuttle , I do n't know what we 'll get , but … and I 've got a line into St Louis : there 's a thing called the Western Manuscripts collection at UMSL — ghastly word , but they use it themselves , it means University of Missouri-St Louis — that latches on to the papers of operations like CCOAC , and they 've got them .
7 I do n't know what we 'll do if the show finishes .
8 That 'll be a nice idea , it 's a bit tricky , you remember the Chris what we did at Christmas , that went really well , and we thought perhaps something similar book for Easter , yeah , do n't know what we 'll do but cos people like John and , so he 's not teaching full time , in fact some of the schools have holiday are n't they ?
9 Well I du n no , I do n't know what we 'll do , it 's , there 's plenty of work to be done around , but I 've been out every night this week and I 'm in tonight thank goodness , I need to be in
10 We 've grown up with it , there 's got to come a time when we say ‘ put a halt to it ’ , but er I do n't know what we 'll do then
11 Thames Water has a code of practice which lets you know what we will do for you .
12 ‘ The truth of the matter is that until we start to strip her down we do n't know what we will find , nobody ever does , ’ commented Mr John Leech .
13 I do n't know what they 'll do to you either .
14 ‘ They 've been bringing their dogs to do their business in my front garden , and if I go to the council , d' you know what they 'll say ?
15 ‘ I do n't know what they 'll bring to the pictures next , ’ she wheezed .
16 So this night my son said to me , Mother , he said , when those boys have grown up men , do you know what they 'll be saying ?
17 Erm , we 've got pay review bodies which may , we do n't know what they 'll come out with in in terms of recommendations for for the pay increases , and I think that this is placing the Councillor in a in a very bad po er position .
18 We do n't know what they 'll do so
19 Yeah , yeah you can do , they 'll have to buy the bread when they need it I do n't know what they 'll be like warm , have I to get these no erm
20 I do n't know what they 'll have .
21 Do n't know what , do n't know what they 'll make of all that gobbledegook. bye bye love .
22 He does n't know what they will build to , but as long as he keeps finding new pieces the picture will slowly become clear .
23 I do n't know what they will be .
24 ‘ Now I do n't know what they will do .
25 But I do n't know what it 'll be until I begin work . ’
26 You do n't know what it 'll be like , if it 'll be like the scenes you see on the news every night .
27 so er do n't know what it 'll be like .
28 I do n't know what it 'll be like
29 Do n't know what it 'll be do you ?
30 Thus , we do not know what it will feel like and we are not keen on knowing !
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