Example sentences of "[vb infin] been [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 But various other bits of machinery which are now lying idle around the quarry probably would 've been better left in Italy or Spain or wherever they were acquired from .
2 It was , she knew , wholly irrational ; her common-sense kept reminding her that Eddie must already have been closely questioned by the police .
3 While they must have been closely linked , it would help if we could distinguish between the circulation of such goods and their deposition in graves , for it is the latter which is actually being studied .
4 The baton of innovation , in this view , may not have been altogether dropped , but sometimes has to be carried by another team before the British outfit can continue its own rather erratic course down the tracks of literary history .
5 A possible explanation is that this jacket may well have been the last issue made to C/Sgt Nicholl in the last year or so of his service , and , as will be seen , may have been scarcely worn .
6 No , no , she 'll she 'll erm she 'll query it , but just as well she noticed otherwise she 'd have been merrily paying it and Norm Norma does n't
7 At least a third of it could have been cheerfuly excised : the highlights from Tommy , for instance , merely served to show how few there were ; and there was a serious lapse of taste in resurrecting their ‘ Laughing Gnome ’ , ‘ Boris the Spider ’ ( presumably performed to give nice John Entwistle his turn in the spotlight ) .
8 If she had been an ordinary teacher , trying to teach an ordinary sedentary subject like history or Latin , she would have been mercilessly flouted and mocked , but as it was she managed to get by .
9 Perhaps a memory from childhood when a fat Cranston must have been mercilessly teased by others .
10 Given that the decision has now been taken by Parliament to extend the law to cover recordings , broadcasts and cable programmes , it may be wondered whether the exemption for these should have been automatically carried over into the new law .
11 It seemed it would have been ill advised to follow the PARIS II route — costs would have been astronomical and timescales unrealistic .
12 It would have been mostly done by hand .
13 Some formal , institutionalized ways of identifying need have been already indicated .
14 new evidence has become available which could not have been reasonably known of or foreseen ; or
15 In view of the widespread discussion ( and agreement ) about IT skill shortages during 1984 , it might have been reasonably expected that very high proportions of Advanced Course students would have jobs to go to at the end of their courses .
16 Traffic of this kind had occurred on a large scale in the period following on the October Revolution , but if there had been any ‘ bagmen ’ left by 1921–2 in the Middle Volga region , they would have been ruthlessly stamped out .
17 This course was rejected partially out of inertia , and partially because it would have been strongly opposed by the English-educated Sri Lankan élite , who held judicial posts and dominated the legal profession , but who were excluded from the executive branch of government .
18 Since a sentence was the basis for execution , and the sentence was pronounced inter partes , execution too must have been similarly limited .
19 Understandably outraged by the revelations that colleagues had been implicated , however unwittingly , in the notorious Project Camelot , linked with CIA activities in Cambodia , American Anthropologists have often tended to assume that those working in ‘ colonial situations ’ elsewhere must have been similarly employed as , in effect , government agents .
20 Modern scholars , conscious of the large issues involved in this struggle , have generally found this intrusion of the local and material interests of the church of Canterbury at a critical moment incomprehensible , and having their eyes fixed on the historically more important matters of investiture and homage , they have supposed that Anselm 's eyes must also have been similarly directed .
21 Such operations , although unquestionably dégorgement à la volée , would have been privately practised prior to any commercial application .
22 The heads of the wadis are very abrupt and there is no evidence of water having spilled into them from the plateau surface : on the other hand caves within the wadis may well have been formerly occupied by springs during a period of higher rainfall .
23 When she should have been indignantly pulling away somehow she was melting into his arms , her lips parting beneath the increasing ardour of his .
24 If there had been sufficient other evidence of participation he might have been properly convicted .
25 The Geiger counter may not have been properly calibrated .
26 Influences were mutual , and Philip the Fair 's cult of the sainted kingship of Louis IX may have been partly inspired by Henry III 's and Edward I 's promotion of Edward the Confessor .
27 The inquiry represents a genuine need for information which could have been partly fulfilled by traditional means such as telephone books or local guides but which could be investigated more thoroughly by using Prestel .
28 Thus the industrial relations outcomes of external pressures on state enterprises will be filtered through existing industrial relations structures ( which may themselves have been partly determined by the same external pressures ) .
29 I must have been partly stupefied by something they gave me .
30 Georgiana Greenwood may have been partly to blame , but it had to do with the fact that we really were n't running the conference out of the college .
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