Example sentences of "[vb infin] as [pron] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 Anthropologists , following Evans-Pritchard 's lead , have reacted against this way of seeing primitive , or non-literate , peoples , and maintained that they do not act as they do for the same reasons that neurotics act in Western society .
2 You 're freer , and can act as you please — like you travel freer without possessions .
3 Faced with the evidence that we have , any responsible Home Secretary would act as I have acted .
4 ‘ I am he that was Norman Britton when on the earth , now returned to haunt you , Albert Roger Quigley , and to tell you that you are an evil man and that you will fall as I have fallen !
5 Pilots should be encouraged to make an assessment during the final turn of how much airbrake they will need as they start to straighten up for the final approach , instead of waiting until the turn is completed at which point it is already too late .
6 He maintains that group members will soon accept the non-criminal character of this new member of their group , and they will behave as they do when he is not among them ( Polsky 1967 ) .
7 Do you know as you come in to Salisbury and you have to keep going on with the traffic , then it leads up to the bridge where the wa , where the river is .
8 Plus within my environmental thing I would like to be able to see if we can get four areas within the school and what I was thinking about , not the big areas outside in the gardens etcetera but do you know as you walk along from our corridor up past the dining hall and there 's that little bit of enclosed space
9 The wording referring to the specific location in the location description would by definition have to be drawn up the region , cos they would have intimate knowledge of the locality that er sorry and the costs would be drawn up by the region because they would know as I say intimately they would know that specific development
10 Acne spots may well lessen as you get older and your hormones settle down , but by that time , you may have some scarring .
11 This last judgement ( although it is commonly made ) is speculative , of course , as the scribe is normally anonymous , but it is analogous to rejecting live speakers from a random sample on the grounds that they do not speak as we think they ought to speak , or rejecting attested spoken forms on the grounds that they are not what we would expect in some particular location .
12 I am discomposed , or I would not speak as I have .
13 I 'm sure such generalisations are unjust , but I can only speak as I find !
14 Our affairs are in my hands now and I 'll speak as I see things .
15 These sparkling crystal green pools look ideal for swimming , but beware dangerous undercurrents , the fact that they are deeper than the look , a temperature cold enough to freeze-dry your internal organs , and an audience of 50 tourists who will stand and watch as you try to get out of the water and back into your underpants with some dignity and without swearing .
16 ‘ It is impossible to say what other manifestations may appear as they grow up .
17 It must be further emphasised that , however objective the notion of ‘ text ’ may appear as we have defined it ( 'the verbal record of a communicative act' ) , the perception and interpretation of each text is essentially subjective .
18 How do you feel as you swim over that dark patch of seaweed ?
19 Did Hereward feel as you do ? ’
20 I know many reading this must feel as I feel : torn between the raw genius of Morrissey 's Smiths writing and his latest batch of tunes , which I personally feel very much cheated by .
21 No nun should feel as I do now .
22 I I say but I do n't feel as I want
23 Then why , thought Jay , rubbing her thumb on Lucy 's shoulder blades , why does your jaw tighten as you speak , why are your eyes flooded with pain ?
24 In dealing with the breach , or threatened breach of the peace , it is the duty of the police to investigate and to take such steps to stop or prevent as they think necessary .
25 Each LIFESPAN Process requires a minimum of 4500 blocks for the database files , which will of course grow as you use the LIFESPAN Process .
26 We had a good view of Sao Paulo as we flew over it — so massive , it looks bigger than New York , and you can almost see it grow as you watch it , because all round the outskirts of the city are straggling half-finished ‘ shanty town housing estates ’ , with dirt roads and little hut-like dwellings , as it seemed from the air .
27 From 9.30 to 5.30pm , 6 days a week , we smother the children with suncream , take them for walks , supervise those that can swim as they play in the water , feed them and entertain them with games .
28 ‘ We are summoned to audience with Artai later , ’ he said , ‘ but until then we can do as we please . ’
29 ‘ If you do n't do as we say , we 'll stop your swimming coaching .
30 It 's wrong the Blacks ca n't do as they please in South Africa , it 's as much their country as the Whites .
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