Example sentences of "[vb infin] his [noun] [unc] " in BNC.

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1 Albert Gore Jr , 43 , one of the leading figures in the Democratic Party , announced on Aug. 21 that he would not seek his party 's nomination for the 1992 presidential elections .
2 In winning the Northern Bank International Award , it was judged that Nicholas Hutchinson displayed the total commitment and drive required to successfully market his company 's products and services , involving extensive international travel and unsocial working hours .
3 If Prince Richard were to marry , he would need his mother 's formal consent , and the tradition in the family was that matters of gravity were always discussed face-to-face and in private .
4 Liberal Democrat Peter Bergg could pick up a significant number of protest votes which will boost his party 's previous showing .
5 5 Ideally , the teacher should know his students ' names , addresses , number of years of English study , place of study , etc .
6 Erm do n't know his work 's number .
7 Thus the salesperson must not only know his products ' benefits but the types of situation in which each would be appropriate .
8 Erm number one strength Alan erm although he does n't see to eye T eye eye to eye with er a lot of the city institutions and a lot of the shareholders erm he he does know his business erm and he has quite a strong character , very forceful and .
9 He has been grooming his son Kim Jong-il for the succession , but the latter does not enjoy his father 's authority and a power struggle could already be under way .
10 While she felt sure she would enjoy his mother 's company , she was reluctant to encourage an association which could involve further contact with him .
11 Since Palat has no desire to canonise the artist , there is no attempt to trace the origins of his creative genius ; neither does the director explore his subject 's troubled soul .
12 ‘ But , ’ he went on , ‘ David has suggested that we should all borrow his mother 's house outside Florence at Easter .
13 Stuart would borrow his father 's big Buick and take four or five of us to matches .
14 Then on 12th April 1840 , he baptised Old Joseph 's newborn baby ‘ Ephraim ’ , who as an adult would inherit his father 's name , Joseph .
15 We were so confident of each other 's love that should one of us make that final , selfish decision the other would feel his friend 's sense of loss even more keenly than his own .
16 Jonadab could sense his son 's reluctance to proceed .
17 The President may be watching to see how long Mr Buchanan remains a contender , delaying as long as is necessary making an appointment that could fuel his opponent 's campaign .
18 To clear himself he would have to implicate his young brother in the embezzlement of a large amount of money from the family business , it would break his mother 's heart .
19 But he had n't dared bring his Dad 's saw .
20 Under his breath the man quietly cursed the interfering clerk who could bring his master 's grand design to nothing .
21 The husband of a murdered British tourist is flying out to South Africa tonight to formally identify his wife 's body .
22 Wimbledon manager Joe Kinnear hopes another London derby , when QPR visit Selhurst Park , will confirm his team 's conversion from football pirates to purists .
23 He 'd most likely nick his Dad 's wire and cutters too .
24 Does Hammett remember his mum 's birthday , and does he drive a nice medium-sized Ford ?
25 He could vaguely remember his mother 's face , her constant presence as she sat by his bed seemingly day and night , her smiles as he began to get better .
26 Over his not entirely clean white collar you could see his Adam 's apple thumping .
27 In the comedies that expose hypocrisy ( Malvolio in Twelfth Night , Parolles in All 's Well that Ends Weld , we typically see the hypocrite through the eyes of the group of people exposing him — Sir Toby , Maria , and company ; the soldiers trying to make Bertram see his favourite 's falseness .
28 But when they get a little older , they will cover their bodies up and the boy shall never again see his sisters ' beauty .
29 The laird of Balfunning wanted a tide waiter 's place for his son , but Buchanan was clearly not prepared to settle for promises , for he ‘ insists that he may see his son 's commision before the election ’ .
30 He did not like his friend 's feverish , excited look .
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