Example sentences of "[vb infin] they [modal v] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 But if Labour do win they will make the usual hash of things and then the whole merry-go-round will begin again .
2 Though he declined to say who he thought would win tomorrow , one gets the impression that he will be in Scotland 's corner , remembering that if they do win they will head for Twickenham and possible Triple Crown glory .
3 ‘ Yes , but how did he know they would stay on that course ? ’
4 But I do know they would weigh up the dangers and think about the very fact that they could fly .
5 let you know they 'll come back from the letters .
6 It 'll be harder to get to the villa in some respects because Val and John , Val , Val 's husband 's retiring in July , he suffers with his dreadful headache , and they 're going to spend ninety per cent of their time in Spain , but she did say whenever I want to go , as long as I let them know they 'll come home cos they 're gon na buy a house in Chesterfield and er she said whenever we wan na go , they 'll come back over to their house in Chesterfield , so , we
7 Patrol leader Captain David Hall said : ‘ We 're letting them know they can get food without instability . ’
8 Students in trouble will know they can get help where they see the sign .
9 What they did not know they could imagine .
10 Let children know they must do as they are told .
11 ‘ Your friend would know they 'd kill him .
12 ‘ We did n't know they 'd run away before you 'd finished with them , ’ one of the soldiers was grumbling sullenly .
13 ‘ Well , how did they know they 'd get the Admiral ?
14 I do n't know they used to cart it away .
15 ‘ I can guarantee they 'll get inside .
16 I ca n't tell you what they might win , but I can guarantee they 'll take home memories of their day on ’ Blockbusters ’ .
17 I ca n't tell you what they might win , but I can guarantee they 'll take home memories of their day on ’ Blockbusters ’ .
18 If any readers would like to receive a free copy of an information sheet I have produced on the types of environmental audits and what they can achieve they should write to me at the address below :
19 In the vocabulary of people in the retail trade , equipment means wallets being emptied into tills , especially if the purchase of that equipment is the only thing that will ensure they will live to come back and buy more .
20 A further difficulty is that , within a particular culture or sub-culture , religion will have a socially defined image , so that in some circumstances respondents might feel they ought to say that they are more ‘ religious ’ than they really are , or , in other circumstances , that they are less so .
21 A PKF spokesman said that the partners had decided to merge because ‘ they did not feel they would have the opportunity to grow much more unless they joined a bigger firm ’ .
22 The Alt Park club reached the fifth round last season before bowing out to Sudbury Town , and Max Thompson 's men will feel they can open this season 's Wembley trail with a win against an Arnold side in the Supreme Division of the Central Midlands League .
23 A spokesperson for the Equal Opportunities Commission said , rather sadly , ‘ In our experience , many women are still so unsure of their foothold in the workplace that they do n't feel they can admit to having families and responsibilities out of the office .
24 I see people now in the same situation as I was before , unable to meet anyone , and they do n't feel they can do anything about it , and I want to say ‘ Yes you can ! ’
25 I find it so depressing the way sane , reasonably intelligent women do n't feel they can go round the corner to get a pint of milk without their mascara .
26 What comes across , to us , is that workers , on the whole , do not feel they can change the principal features of their world of work …
27 ‘ Many who had planned to stay at home will now go away , others will feel they can afford a second holiday . ’
28 Farmworkers are especially vulnerable because they 're isolated and if they 're working alone they do n't have any support , working in ones and twos on a remote hillside.Some do n't even feel they can dare to approach a union .
29 ‘ Or perhaps others did n't feel they could give in to it as I did . ’
30 Though very sympathetic and sensitive to the needs of the birth family most adopters did not feel they could cope with contact .
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