Example sentences of "[vb infin] not [adv] a " in BNC.

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1 Such a profit element may include not only a straightforward management fee but also a hidden profit , such as a discount , which may be given to the headtenant under a block policy of insurance .
2 You can win not only a Megadrive 16-bit computer console ( exquisitely styled to produce faster and smoother games playing scenarios and requiring greater levels of skill and dexterity , it sez here ) but also a brand new Michael Jackson game to go with it .
3 One could build not only a railway terminal there , but the fifth London airport and no one would notice .
4 By concentrating on the value and significance of their experience , the counsellor will generate not only an important historical and social insight , particularly if a physical record is kept , but will learn about the impact of the war on the individual , that is , from the only perspective that has relevance to the counsellor .
5 A particular government department may , therefore , comprise not merely a central ‘ office ’ but also regional and even local offices , as the efficient transaction of the business of the department dictates .
6 Our cultural development will provide not only a record of an active journey , a passing view of ourselves as we are , but also a perspective on the world for future generations to build on and develop .
7 Design changes at a later stage , affecting this decision , will provide not only an indication of what components need to be changed but also a visual indication of the resulting effect on supporting components .
8 When constraints are particularly heavy and pressing , though , teaching may become not just a matter of coping , which in some senses all teaching is , but of sheer survival .
9 But if PRP substitutes for existing pay , it is rarely going to be practicable for the employer to pocket the whole of the saving , since this would imply not only a reduction in the employees ' gross pay , but also an element of risk in remuneration that had previously been assured .
10 In such cases , illness can leave not only a physical inability to cope , but an emotional fear of doing so .
11 Any potential tenant will require not only a discount on the rent quoted but a rent-free period and/or a capital contribution towards fitting out costs .
12 The history of clerical suspicion of ‘ secular ’ celebrations is still only patchily written ; it would reveal not only a remarkable — though by no means even — development over time , but a no less remarkable variation from place to place .
13 The reason why it is considered so important that we should not make a commitment at this stage to join a single currency is that a single currency would involve not only a single central bank but single economic management and a commitment by the Government and people of this country to subsidise , if necessary , the trade deficit of Italy , the budget deficits of other countries and the different standards of living .
14 However , the positive side to the cosmic pattern is that you can find not just a fleeting romance but true love , if not your soulmate .
15 From time to time , consultancies must organise not just a display by a client but must organise an entire exhibition or show for many exhibitors are on behalf of their client .
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