Example sentences of "[vb infin] not [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 These conditions can include not only economic factors but also government encouragement and the willingness ( or otherwise ) of employers to recognise and negotiate with them .
2 Life-chances : that is , all those material advantages which improve the equality of life of the recipient this may include not only economic advantages of wealth and income , but also benefits such as health or job security .
3 Under the present definition of such schemes , the beneficiaries of them may include not only present employees of the company concerned , but also employees , or former employees , of it or any company in the same group , and the spouses , widows or widowers , children or step-children under the age of 18 , of any such employees .
4 Deutsch has also made arrangements with King 's College Cambridge and the Society of Authors , acting on behalf of the estate of E M Forster , to renew and continue publication of the Abinger Edition of E M Forster , which will include not only some of the earlier works , but also the first publication of material contained in the King 's College Forster archives .
5 He continued " it can thus include not only secret formulae for the manufacture of products but also in an appropriate case , the names of customers and the goods which they buy " .
6 Thus the choreographic design will describe not only personal moods , emotions and actions but also their effect on inter-personal relationships .
7 But I think we 'll update not so much is over public authorities would probably take your advice , but I 'm thinking of people who are not public authorities who might in a way suffer , that your advice may cause them some expense , and they might choose to delay it , and well I am guilty we ca n't afford to do that this year , so it never gets done .
8 It is , however , worth stressing what Jessop has said in support of his own neo-Marxist approach to the analysis of power and the state , because it emphasises both the strengths and weaknesses of the Marxist school of writings : ‘ an adequate theoretical analysis of the state [ and power ] must consider not only economic determinations but also those rooted in the distinctive organisation of the state as well as in the social division of labour between officialdom and people ’ .
9 However , in a recent reply to Weber and Bradshaw ( 1981 ) it was suggested by Levy ( 1982 ) that the earlier findings she reported with Reid may relate not so much to language ( or speech ) representation in general as to reading and writing — that is , visual aspects of language , in particular .
10 Once these principles are formulated a model based on them can make not only explanatory retrodictive accounts of observed data , but predictions about new situations .
11 The pressures of long-term planning will affect not just post-registration courses .
12 This imposes a very onerous obligation on the defenders ' agents and their insurers because the list must cover not only those documents in the hands of the solicitor or the insurer , but also those held by the insured .
13 If we had a rational energy policy , we could ensure not only that coal had a role to play now , but that it could continue to play an important role in the future .
14 They were sitting at an outside table in one of the corner cafés of the Ataba el Khadra , out of reach of the traffic but strategically placed so that they could watch not only all the interesting things that went on in the square but also the more sophisticated exchanges which went on between tourist and native in Musky Street .
15 Even here a word of caution is necessary , for although medieval writers employed the Roman calendar they sometimes reckoned the Kalend , None and Ide elements in reverse order ; so that , for example , 14 January might appear not as XIX Kal Feb but as Pridi Kal Feb ( prima die kalendarum Feb ) .
16 The station will benefit not just international passengers .
17 This project aims to create positive changes which will benefit not only disabled people , but also the wider community . ’
18 Our latest excursion into the world of secondary education will hopefully benefit not only local schools but schools throughout the country .
19 It is clear , then , that ideas developed while broadening the CAB service to rural areas may benefit not only those areas but busier bureaux too .
20 In adverse possession , the claimant must show not only actual possession for the required period together with an intention to possess the land , but also that the possession was " adverse " , which normally means " designed to keep out the real ( " " paper " " ) owner " .
21 WE should remember not only those who fought and died to save Britain , but also those who fought and survived .
22 Let's look not so much at the left right divide , but but at the tone of the party .
23 Increasingly in the later eighteenth century it was felt , at least in intellectual and opinion-forming circles , that monarchy was on trial , that kings must now provide not merely good government but progressive government .
24 And it will be used for transplants of kidneys and other organs , there are already of course many transplants done at the Churchill , but they 're done in very cramped conditions , and this will provide not only better conditions for the patients , but also new research laboratories , and of course with transplants preventing rejection of the graft is very important , and that 's what the Churchill is particularly good at .
25 There is an at least theoretical possibility that a liability regime with teeth would deter not only negligent conduct , but also talented individuals from becoming directors .
26 They are connected to the rest mass through the relation given in Section 1.3 : This intimate connection of mass , energy and momentum suggests that a general law of gravitation will contain not just mass but energy and momentum as well .
27 One drawback of this style of argument is that not only is the harm serious for the victim , but conviction for such an offence is serious for the defendant : a single class of offenders ( rapists , serious wounders ) would contain not only those with subjective fault but also those who merely failed to take proper care , all of whom would be convict.ed of a grave offence carrying a maximum of life imprisonment .
28 ( An existing Directive already bans television advertising , and a proposal supported by the UK Government and currently in course of approval will ban not just advertising but production and marketing of oral moist snuff — Skoal Bandits and the like . )
29 Well I would hope not actually that 's that 's a relief so er so so tell us what we 're talking about today .
30 Whether they eat or not in such cases will depend not so much on the food itself as on their varying mood .
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