Example sentences of "[vb infin] on it [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The innovation of the laser-guided bomb is that you can aim at anything : just point the laser at it , and the bomb will fall on it if it can .
2 Yeah well we did n't concentrate on it when it started actually , we was all talking were n't we ?
3 You can more than survive the twentieth-century diet ; you can flourish on it if you know how to make the right choices .
4 To get the most out of TV and radio appearances it is sensible to inform other departments in your organisation who can capitalise on it that the piece will be appearing .
5 You may choke on it but it screams ‘ success ’ to the multinationals .
6 They may suck on it until it dissolves sufficiently to swallow rather than chew it and so meal-times take a very long time .
7 Mandru did not insist on it because he was a sensualist .
8 I think we should vote on it and ask Joe 's opinion too . ’
9 But when you keep the big names supplied with a particular kind of amusement you can always depend on it that the police are found to be in the wrong , or that they are framing an innocent man , or that the children in question are his nieces .
10 And when we calculate these other points they should fit on it as well .
11 The wheelchair provides the ideal type of support , as the patient can not lean on it as he would on a walking frame , because the chair would tip up .
12 Defeated in his climb , he had been descending , heading for the window , hoping he could hammer on it and attract someone 's attention , but ice and spindrift made it impossible to see where he was going ; and now he was trapped .
13 Or the power person may be a power broker who has arranged his support before the meeting and knows that he can call on it if his authority is challenged .
14 I have never eaten brawn — no doubt I should do so — so can not comment on it except to say that it is made from the pig 's head which is simmered with herbs and spices ; the resulting meat is set in the naturally produced aspic .
15 Then they 'll take you to the station , they 'll watch you buy your ticket , and then you 'll get on the train and you 'll bloody well stay on it until you 're back where you belong .
16 what average rate did you pay on it and what average rate are you paying this year ?
17 She 's got six weeks , well you can go on it when you like really , well , you
18 Do n't rely on it though — ski with your weight centred on your skis and make your up motions more vertical than backward .
19 For instance the project will assess children 's understanding of the following situation : at a pedestrian crossing I can rely on the motorist stopping if I know that he has seen me , but I can not rely on it if I know that he has not seen me .
20 Yeah , you can record on it and it does a C D sound , that sort of thing
21 Parish council clerk at Gainford Margaret Brown said : ‘ They should n't strictly have been on the bridge but a lot of people do walk on it and climb over the small barricade at each end .
22 She might get on it as well .
23 We 've flagged up those problems to command and I 'm seeing Mr on Tue Tuesday afternoon I think it is , and Jed 's put a report into command and I 'll put on it as well , and we 're saying to them what is the answer ?
24 Could play on it and make him talk .
25 But they were willing to let us play on it because croquet would n't have done any real harm .
26 Not surprisingly , most of the unemployed do n't live on it because they ca n't .
27 you have to go and my dad where where it was just clean and you could just sit on it but nowhere Sarah 's side .
28 Well in that , actually I 'll come and sit on it and then I can fondle Jon 's knees while I 'm there .
29 It 's , really th as I say , the design is all down to the size but it it 's because of the snow fall that could go in , that can li th obviously because it 's sloped like it can nae lie on it but
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