Example sentences of "[vb infin] on [pron] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 How can we know what people 's interests are if they do not act on them because they are induced or coerced not to ?
2 Well , I could n't jump on her and shout , ‘ Take it , take it , here 's the train fare ’ , could I ?
3 All the same , I was nervous they might jump on us when we left .
4 You will fall on yourself and bang your head on the radiator when you step backwards .
5 There would be no room for the birds to fly , and dead birds would fall on me as I walked .
6 Ronni wished an entire treeload of acacia blossom would fall on her if she could just experience again the thrilling touch of that hand .
7 If you are an ‘ at risk ’ person , and not very stable on your feet , or walk with an aid , do not have open fires in the house — you could fall on them and be badly burned .
8 The innovation of the laser-guided bomb is that you can aim at anything : just point the laser at it , and the bomb will fall on it if it can .
9 She let her fingers linger on his and smiled .
10 It 'll soon dry on me while I 'm leaning against the cows , they 're warm , they are . ’
11 Yeah well we did n't concentrate on it when it started actually , we was all talking were n't we ?
12 You can more than survive the twentieth-century diet ; you can flourish on it if you know how to make the right choices .
13 BELVILLE : I had thought you should have sat at table with me , but when I find you can not forget your original but must prefer my menials to me , you shall wait on me while I sup .
14 I shall beam on him as I serve him lunch and if the old bastard is particularly unpleasant I 'll be able to reflect on how bad he 'll feel when he 's unmasked .
15 To get the most out of TV and radio appearances it is sensible to inform other departments in your organisation who can capitalise on it that the piece will be appearing .
16 You may choke on it but it screams ‘ success ’ to the multinationals .
17 ‘ I do n't know why we keep coming here , ’ says an older clown on the bus shuttling us to the big top , ‘ all it does is rain on us and blow us about . ’
18 Sarella felt his hand tighten on hers and she leaned against him to reassure him .
19 Er I 'm not sure actually whether they would appear on them or not , I have n't seen the new statistics so I do n't know .
20 They may suck on it until it dissolves sufficiently to swallow rather than chew it and so meal-times take a very long time .
21 I mean it could be nothing may happen at all may descend on us and everybody 's and we 've run out of money .
22 I 'll work on him and try to bring him round .
23 The ambitious plans drawn up by Middlesbrough council will be passed to various departments which will work on them and report back in a year 's time .
24 Mandru did not insist on it because he was a sensualist .
25 The student who has cared for a patient is in the best position to evaluate and report on his or her progress .
26 I think we should vote on it and ask Joe 's opinion too . ’
27 I say if you , if you did decide on something and wanted it give me an opportunity to post Connie 's parcel .
28 Trekky Doors — Do n't step on 'em while they 're open , or you 'll fall .
29 The specific portfolio chosen by an investor will depend on his or her particular risk-return preferences .
30 The degree to which each shareholder will benefit will depend on his or her tax position .
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