Example sentences of "[vb infin] with his [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But can he act with his body ?
2 Will he discuss with his Cabinet colleagues whether the discretionary grants for vocational training for the professions might be made mandatory or whether the training and enterprise councils might provide money to help those with little means to train for entry into the professions ?
3 One of these effects can be what Britton ( 1981 ) refers to as the phenomenon of re-enactment as an unwitting professional response to the dynamics of a child 's situation , the difficulty that exists for professionals not to re-enact — and thereby aggravate — what the child already experiences , and the ease with which they may collude with his sense of hopelessness and negative feelings .
4 The smell he could combat with his cigar , but the roaches — he would never get used to them .
5 Basing himself in Minnigaff village , from which , when necessary , he could quickly retreat with his gang into the hill country , Marshall conducted a profitable trade for years with the local smugglers .
6 will throb with his notes
7 The Necromundans glanced curiously at that blind , fey figure of a man who was as alabastine as the idol of the primarch — his flesh almost translucent — yet who could speak with his mind from star to star , and could even report directly to the Emperor , should a sufficiently momentous situation arise .
8 But of course he never did speak with his tongue nor ever would have done if he wanted to hang on to his job .
9 I could sympathise with his feelings , but in fact the principal ridicule was addressed to poor Roy Jenkins , who was shown in the film floating through the air while engaged in a game of tennis — at which he is quite a competent player .
10 But under these circumstances it must , from the nature of things , be at least an even chance that the jury called upon to find a publisher guilty may sympathise with his language … as fair and laudable criticism of official errors .
11 Top of the bill Bob Carolgees will appear with his puppet partner ‘ Spit the Dog ’ .
12 He looked down at the woman kneeling by his side and felt his chest tighten with his love for her .
13 The citizen must therefore identify with his state .
14 However , instead of er releasing and dealing with his rage , Wilson er instead chose to strongly identify with his father , erm argued er Wilson never grew beyond his father identification , because the situation whereby er Wilson was full of , of the conviction that his er mission in life was somehow divided .
15 How could she permit another minute to pass without telling him , to his face , what he could do with his lies and insinuations ?
16 How his old club could do with his services now !
17 What else can he do with his money ? ’
18 What did Charles do with his money ?
19 hard luck , no I 'd like to see what he 'd do with his stuff if he had to pay with it , pay for it himself .
20 Fran swallowed hard , feeling the bitter taste of fear burning her throat as she stared into the man 's cold , flat eyes , wishing she could find her voice to tell him what he could do with his threats .
21 So what did he do with his final , winning tap-in-putt for his par-5 on the 72nd hole ?
22 Then what did he do with his havanas ?
23 If he did not feel so dreadful , Harry would tell the fellow just what he could do with his bedside wit .
24 That it was David Mellor , a Major crony , has reinforced fears that this is a prime minister who ca n't judge what he should do with his time .
25 ‘ I … ’ she began , and was suddenly afraid that this new-discovered , not-to-be-relied-upon inner person might yet weaken last night 's resolution that , should he offer to sightsee with her today , she would tell him what he could do with his offer .
26 I was going to tell him what he could do with his job but I thought better of it an' I took my cards all polite like .
27 If he does n't do it before the summer I shall tell him what he can do with his job
28 When he was thinking about machines or things he could do with his hands , he started to ignore people .
29 Back from the fish counter , what does our angler do with his catch ?
30 What 's he gon na do with his ladder ?
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