Example sentences of "[vb infin] that they can " in BNC.

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1 Sometimes , if elderly relatives are living at a distance , it is not possible to be certain , in spite of advice from us , and help from neighbours with the shopping , that they are eating properly , but if they can only be persuaded to drink a pint of milk every day and eat some fresh citrus fruit , wholemeal bread , cheese or eggs , margarine or butter and a bowl of bran cereal , we shall know that they can not come to any serious harm from a dietary point of view , even though a much more varied diet would be more suitable .
2 All the drivers are exciting , and people who are stuck in this pattern of behaviour often have an incentive to stay in it — they feel that one day they will succeed , they will finally be perfect , they will at last please everyone ; they will prove that they can get everything done more quickly than everyone else , and they 'll know that they can undertake anything under the most difficult conditions .
3 Yeah but you must , that , that , that your congregation , that all the people in the pastorate must know that they can go to you and that you will listen .
4 they 'll get into the , they 'll get into that garage right , so they look and see things they did n't know that they can make money on
5 And we need to use the reserves that we do have in the balance sheet , we need to spend them wisely in order to achieve our objectives , our objectives for change , and we must recognise that they can only be spent once .
6 Havant in the UK — which does make disk drives ; Jrfalla , making printers in Sweden ; Valencia , making low-end ES/9000s in Spain , and at least a part of the big Montpelier mainframe and chips complex in France , are being re-classified as autonomous business units under their own managements , free to seek work outside as well as where they can from within IBM , but they are under notice that if they ca n't demonstrate that they can operate profitably in 12 months , they will be closed .
7 And those who have made a career out of making fun of Maxwell may think that they can continue to do so ; but it 's just not funny anymore ( allegedly ) .
8 Why do men think that they can use women and come out of it unscathed ? ’
9 I do n't think that they can be taken to be in any particular order .
10 For their part any incomers see themselves as having made considerable sacrifices to come to Shetland , giving up their homes in the south near friends and perhaps relatives , and facing the possibility that while they are away inflation will ensure that they can not afford to buy their old houses back again when they return ( hence the price guarantees that the airlines are obliged to offer on their employees ' houses in Shetland ) .
11 How can they ensure that they can be effective , that is , that they can actually provide services as well as providing assessments ? ii If we go along the road of having dementia teams then what is the best management structure ; for such a team ?
12 It would appear that they can have had little in common with their trading companions , except in the sale of medicines .
13 ‘ It 's easy to be critical by watching television and they may feel that they can just pick up where they left off .
14 The culture and personal of the organisation — ie. the skill , knowledge and attitudes of subordinates , and the philosophy and psychological security of superiors , will help to determine how much delegation will be desired by the subordinates , and how far superiors will feel that they can trust the people below them .
15 Sometimes insurers might feel that they can get a better deal at the doors of the court in a heavy case , and the identity of the judge allotted to that case can influence corridor negotiations pretty heavily , but an experienced plaintiff 's solicitor with nothing much to worry about in court who has gone that far will strike a fairly hard bargain .
16 It is not unusual for children to recite happily from one to ten in a number rhyme or as they play , but the teacher does not assume that they can therefore use number or count .
17 You ca n't believe that they can still say it , having had this conversation six hundred times .
18 The two brothers of Armagnac , count and archbishop , thought Grilly ‘ are so oppressed … that in the end they will be compelled to submit by some contrived method … and one can not believe that they can withstand these afflictions much longer .
19 1 Which pieces are these ? 2 What clues in each one make you believe that they can not be the beginning ?
20 But I do n't believe that they can predict its effects .
21 most likely to make people believe that they can achieve a certain thing and let them get up and do it and erm so that the Party 's role is in the initial stage fostering as much mobilization
22 Those who do n't take heed should remember that they can be fined up to £400 for ignoring a hosepipe or sprinkler ban , and up to £2,000 for ignoring a drought order .
23 Bearing in mind that these remarks were made before the new section 69(1) was introduced by the Act of 1986 , I do not see that they can be regarded as carrying the matter any further .
24 I ca n't see that they can afford to be a high profile company ?
25 So I , if there are going to be changes in French erm France 's relations with its neighbours within the E E C , erm I do n't see that they can be very quick , and I do n't see that they can ultimately be all that large .
26 So I , if there are going to be changes in French erm France 's relations with its neighbours within the E E C , erm I do n't see that they can be very quick , and I do n't see that they can ultimately be all that large .
27 So we said what can we produce that they can send through the post .
28 It does mean that they ca n't improve themselves by any small land therefore likely ! evolutionary step : none of their immediate neighbours in the local equivalent of ‘ biomorph space ’ would do any better .
29 Yeah , but just because they 're a rubbish band , does n't mean that they ca n't communicate , and that 's sort of the image that we 're portraying here .
30 But I do n't , the fact that they 're not included does not mean that they ca n't have it , because that would be disastrous , because they do rely on that
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