Example sentences of "[vb infin] you that you " in BNC.

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1 No I did n't expect you that you would have the answer to those questions at the level of villages , however I think it might be reasonable to expect that in reaching your view , primarily on environmental grounds , which is the major flank of your argument for suppressing past migration trends .
2 The basis of the book is that we are unfulfilled because we 've grown too sophisticated for God , we 're lonely , we 're morally confused , and I think God is the answer for this , it fashions , religion fashions the kind of community in which you 're redeemed from loneliness , it gives you the sense that when you come close to the end of your life you do n't have to panic that you have wasted your life because religion can show you that you have made a difference to the world .
3 Can I remember you that you 're supposed to be working on this for a minimum a minimum of four weeks for about three quarters of an hour a week minimum time !
4 Dynamic Susie Dinan , fitness expert from London Central YMCA , will convince you that you 're never too young or old to start exercising — and never too busy to fit it into your life — before guiding you through simple revitalising exercises .
5 Because I can assure you that you are entirely wrong on both counts . ’
6 ‘ I can only assure you that you have the wrong person , Mr Wyatt ; there are many models , and more than a few work in the Midlands , and several must have other business interests .
7 Did n't it surprise you that you could afford such a prime location ? ’
8 Call the Department of Environment 's air quality information line and a lady with a cheerful voice will most probably inform you that you have been breathing ‘ good ’ or ‘ very good ’ air for the previous 24 hours .
9 I must inform you that you will never be allowed to enter this house again , and that if you do n't leave within three minutes , you will be thrown out . ’
10 And I must inform you that you are not welcome — not welcome at all ! ’
11 I can now tell you that you have exceeded our expectations , ’ the doctor said .
12 Well let me tell you that you 're the one that 's slipped up , not me .
13 And to prove it even more , I can tell you that you have a handkerchief , a whistle and a notebook with a rubber band round it in your pocket ! ’
14 ‘ You 're a big girl , now , Lyn , so I 'll tell you that you 're right .
15 Did they not tell you that you might be held ?
16 Most will tell you that you can never entirely trust a ‘ tame ’ leopard and some have the scars to prove it .
17 Ask anybody who is knowledgeable about computers and they will tell you that you should always choose the software you want to run first , then buy a computer which is suitable to run this .
18 And they will tell you that you do n't necessarily have to fish on the priciest beats to find good sport .
19 ‘ Then let me tell you that you have no right to include me in your sordid games .
20 ‘ Did I ever tell you that you 're the most despicable man I ever met ?
21 But they they 'll tell you that you can still see where the house was because there 's a runcho grows there .
22 ‘ Not at all , ’ said Sally-Anne , ‘ and before you plead for me with Matey let me tell you that you will have your tea salted and your eggs sugared every breakfast if you do any such thing .
23 Did anyone ever tell you that you bear an uncanny resemblance to a young Harrison Ford ? ’
24 Alright , so , come and see me as soon as the problems start to emerge , and I can probably tell you that you 're , you 're wasting time and energy worrying about it , so
25 I 'd also like to say , Mr. Chairman , that er , I did n't recognise the hospital you said , where we did this operation , , erm , if you want to , see me afterwards , I 'll tell you that you take at the hospital .
26 You would anyhow not expect on this occasion any words of wisdom from me , indeed my wife and four daughters would doubtless tell you that you should never expect words of wisdom from me .
27 ANY golfer will tell you that you stand little chance of winning unless you keep a close eye on the scorecard .
28 this is where the schools I think are partly to blame , okay , yes they encourage you to do exams which is good but they do n't tell you that you 're gon na have difficulty getting a job even if you get A levels and all that , they sort of say oh yeah you , you stand a better chance of getting a job , but , its still , its still difficult .
29 Erm , could I , probably timely colleagues , could I advise you that you can replenish your water jugs at the entrance on my right .
30 I would therefore advise you that you have the right to appeal to C E C within one month against this decision .
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